Friday, June 21, 2024

Brace For Impact

Ranata Suzuki once said, ~Loving you was the sinking ship I knowingly boarded anyway. It was embarking on something that would never go away anywhere…simply because I knew that in spite of that one inconvenient truth - it would still be the greatest journey of my life.~ Let me ask this question to those who suffered the heartbreak of going through/dealing with a break up, did it in some way feel like you were experiencing being on a sinking ship as if it were your own version of the Titanic? For it’s a thought provoking situation indeed as the initial beginnings of a break up can be compared to hitting the iceberg that ultimately caused the unfortunate demise of the supposed unsinkable ship. Of course, when it comes to the metaphorical iceberg that hits a supposedly unsinkable relationship, so to speak, the impact isn’t necessarily felt right away.

As I said before, it’s a thought provoking situation indeed as the initial beginnings of a break up can be compared to the iceberg that hit and ultimately caused the unfortunate demise of the supposed unsinkable ship. Essentially, the impact isn’t necessarily felt right away as the metaphorical iceberg hits a supposedly unsinkable shared relationship, so to speak. Although it’s not viewed as a major concern, the damaging crack or cracks of relationship issues that aren’t clearly visible at first will end up gradually becoming problematic. I think it’s safe to say every guy/girl who experienced a break up knew about the damaging crack/cracks but didn’t really do anything about it. Why? What it primarily comes down to is the relationship mentality of all things will work out thus hopefully avoiding jumping ship, in a manner of speaking.

If you think about it, every broken relationship that ended up hitting the metaphorical iceberg has represented a number of emotionally problematic issues. Anger, fear, hatred, jealousy, spite, paranoia, panic, anxiety, doubt, worry, insecurity, sadness, frustration, bitterness, disappointment, utter contempt, etc are a representation of those problematic emotional issues. You see, it’s those same emotional issues previously mentioned that if a couple is unable/refuses to work through or just completely ignores fixing the sustained damages the relationship itself will for all intents and purposes sink considerably quicker. Thinking about it further, that’s when you can’t help but imagine hearing the violins playing signifying the death of a relationship that wasn’t remembered as being respectfully beautiful, but as a chaotically ugly situation to say the least.

For the question can be asked concerning anyone who knows their Titanic history, how long did it take for the ship that was proclaimed unsinkable to sink? If you answered 2 hours and 40 minutes you’d be correct. Figuratively speaking, a number of relationships took much longer to sink after hitting their quintessential iceberg because the warning signs/red flags were ignored. In other words, neither couple wanted to acknowledge the problems and jump ship knowing their relationship was declared dead in the water. In some aspect, it’s like how in the movie Rose promised Jack to never let go but it’s the complete opposite for couples who just don’t care and are laying on their own version of the broken piece of door representing what's left of the relationship they’re simply holding on for self preservation instead of to each other.

In retrospect, never find yourself in a relationship that is already sinking before it’s even started. Sadly, some individuals don’t realize they’re underwater until it’s too late and end up trying to desperately reach the surface to get some air. Thankfully, you can be fortunate to have one’s lifeline of best buds/gal pals who are considered a lifeboat or a life preserver that does their best in saving the guy/girl in question from a bad relationship that’s metaphorically sinking deeper into the water. Hey, it’s what true friends are most definitely for. Without a doubt, you just have to be able to spot ahead of time with a clear heart/mind the iceberg that has the ability to sink any relationship no matter how strong and worthwhile it is. In the end, if you’re unable to spot it and deal with it properly then my friend I suggest you brace for impact.

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