Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Need A Lift?

Ayushi Shukla once said, ~I have a long way to go, and far places to be, my journey has just begun. And I’m not hitchhiking with anyone just because I feel alone.~ If you think about it, when it comes to the single life in regard to the dating scene it can, in some ways, be compared to a hitchhiker on the side of the road trying to hitch a ride in hopes of getting to one’s intended location involving matters of the heart. For it’s a thought provoking situation indeed as those living the single life like myself we’re, for all intents and purposes, high plains drifters metaphorically walking the long, winding road of our own heart in hopes of making not only a deep connection, but establishing a strong worthwhile relationship.

Let me ask this question to my fellow hitchhikers/high plain drifters, how long have you been sticking your thumb or in this particular case heart out as one has been walking the long, winding road of one’s heart involving the dating scene? I think it’s safe to say in this day and age of social media/dating apps, an individual can be easily passed on by, in a manner of speaking, with a simple swipe to the left or have one’s DM’s completely ignored after sliding into them because he or she wasn’t considered visually captivating enough to “pull over” and be “picked up”. Of course, an individual’s confidence, self esteem and optimistic attitude can not only take a tremendous hit but be irrevocably damaged as well if you’re not fully prepared to face rejection.

As I said before, an individual’s confidence, self esteem and optimistic attitude can not only take a tremendous hit but be irrevocably damaged as well if you’re not fully prepared to face rejection. Thinking about it further, when you’re living the single life as a proverbial hitchhiker/high plains drifter, rejection is part of life as it pertains to matters of the heart. However, constantly experiencing it can certainly leave anyone angry, spiteful, dejected, bitter, frustrated, doubtful, worried, annoyed, irritated, disappointed, disgruntled, etc. Essentially, it’s those emotions previously mentioned that can certainly cause a person to be fed up to the point where one’s fist is raised or a flip of the bird is given at every “driver” that passes by him/her.

Without a doubt, living the single life as a drifter you can feel as if you’re walking alone down the side of the dating scene road, so to speak, but in actuality you’re not. Fortunately, your best buds/gal pals are not only right there walking on the side road with you, so to speak, but are watching your back when it gets incredibly tough mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Let me tell you something, it’s your circle of friends who’ll have your back every step of the way and help keep pushing you forward while not letting you give up entirely on matters of the heart when you find yourself unfocused mentally, emotionally lost, totally off balance physically, as well as completely uncentered spiritually.

In retrospect, it can feel like a lonely existence of a journey for every person living the single life perpetually walking down the side of the long and winding road of the dating scene. However, it’s considered a lonely existence if you make it out to be and whether or not the piano theme song to the 1978 series Incredible Hulk starring the late Bill Bixby is playing in your head while you’re reading this then you get the iconic pop culture reference. In any case, what it primarily comes down to is not focusing on one’s supposedly lonely existence to change. Instead, simply focus on walking the journey of your single life with your best buds/gal pals until it changes. In the end, when you do you won’t realize it until you hear the following three words…need a lift?

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