M.L. Valentine once said, ~Love is like a game, and gaming is like love. Both require passion, dedication, and the willingness to take risks. Just like in love, sometimes you win and sometimes you lost, But it's the journey and the connection you make that truly matters.~ In some aspects, matters of the heart in regard to being in a strong, worthwhile relationship is like playing a rp(role playing) video game. Essentially, every gamer starts off in the beginning with a considerable intense resolve of determination and our goal is to get to the next level until you reach the final stage level/stage of the game itself. Thinking about it further, that’s exactly how it is living the single life as we’re determined in trying to get to the next level of dating to where it hopefully reaches the point where it goes well beyond the final relationship level/stage.
Without a doubt, you can’t play a video game unless you have a game controller in hand to not only move in the direction you want to go, but press a combination of buttons to mount a formidable defense, as well as a blistering offense. For it’s a thought provoking situation indeed as each one of us presses or has passionately pressed the quintessential game controller of our own heart in order to move towards someone else’s heart. Of course, there’s an absolute uncertainty of what one will encounter as there is an anticipation to be fully prepared to either find yourself constantly going on the defensive, being overly confident while on offense, or somewhere in between. Hey, have a strategic plan in place even if the plan is not having a plan at all, which makes absolutely no sense and at the same time does make sense.
If you think about it, side quests are most definitely a part of rpg games and they can certainly be considered a distraction that keeps any gamer from their main objective. Unfortunately, one can become so dedicated to those side quests you end up distracted by the quintessential red flags of dating that leave/have left you wounded mentally, emotionally, and physically to the point where you end up dead, in a manner of speaking. Although there are save points in a game where you’re able to start over from where you died, there aren’t necessarily any relationship save points to start over from after “dying” due to costly mistakes made. Why? What it primarily comes down to is being too focused or reckless with our own thoughts, feelings, and emotions, especially with what’s least important pertaining to a forever best friend.
Let me ask you this question to my fellow gamers, when was the last time you were so heavily invested in any game that you lost track of time? I think it’s safe to say all gamers have and even though you pay for it having lost hours of sleep the risk is totally worth it. For the most part, living the single life is hoping to one day find/meet someone and become heavily invested with each other. However, don’t be in a relationship too soon. Instead, be willing to take the time to unlock and gradually raise the power level of the following relationship achievements: trust, respect, faith, honor, honesty, integrity, loyalty, understanding, communication, commitment, etc. Ultimately, that’s the test of a true relationship knowing that you didn’t have to use cheat codes to make it a far easier rather than difficult gaming journey towards true happiness.
In retrospect, there comes a point in a video game where the story has an eventual ending but when it comes to a real life two player love story it keeps moving on. Hopefully, the guy/girl/both don’t end up rage quitting on each other because a particular level you’re both reaching for was frustratingly complicated. You see, there’s always a challenging excitement that can be found in any relationship that has the propensity to negatively and/or positively push each other’s buttons on the proverbial game controller otherwise known as the human heart. In the end, throughout the game that is love/true love you do your best in building up each other’s abilities while strengthening any weakness knowing that win or lose, you’re standing strong side by side facing off and continually beating every obstacle in your path together.
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