Gerald Jampulsky once said, ~Inner peace can be reached only when we practice forgiveness. Forgiveness is letting go of the past, and is therefore the means for correcting our misperceptions.~ If you think about it, one can most definitely feel like you’re unbalanced after not only being wronged but not being given an apology because you know you absolutely deserved it. For it’s an unfortunate situation indeed as it can certainly take its toll mentally and emotionally to the point where there can be unwanted shifts in your thoughts, feelings, and/or emotions. Essentially, you feel like you’re totally off balance that causes not only a seemingly chaotic disruption of one’s inner peace, but leaves anyone absolutely unfocused.
Let me ask this question, do you remember a time where one of your best buds/gal pals did you wrong and instead of apologizing he/she just laughed it off because it was considered funny? I think it’s safe to say we’ve all experienced being slighted by a friend or someone you possibly no longer deem part of your inner circle. Thinking about it further, the cohesive balance that was once there in that friendship with him/her unfortunately became unbalanced so much so there’s a struggle in trying to achieve a sense of inner mental and emotional peace. The question remains, have you dealt with or are you still dealing with wanting an apology with a former best bud/gal pal who you haven’t spoken to in quite some time in hopes of achieving balance again?
As I said before, when you’re struggling to attain inner peace after being slighted and wanting an apology, it has the propensity to take such a tremendous mental and emotional toll, especially if it involves matters of the heart. Oftentimes, the harmoniously tranquil inner peace one seeks in another person’s heart ends up turning into utter heartbreak that may very well be truly unforgivable. Anger, hatred, doubt, worry, sadness, frustration, bitterness, disappointment, utter contempt, etc. have the ability to tip the mental and emotional scales, in a manner of speaking, thus leaving one not able to let go and move on. Why? For the most part, it’s the uncomfortable burden weighing heavily within one’s heart that it can drive anyone absolutely insane.
Without a doubt, it can be considerably difficult at times in finding a happy medium in regards to the place each one of us work at. Of course, we do our best even going above and beyond in hopes of reaching the next level of climbing the ladder of success. Sadly, one’s own blood, sweat, and tears are at times overlooked, whereby leaving you slighted because even though you put in all the time, as well as effort, it resulted in a lack of recognition you’re most deserving of. True, it can be taken as a personal insult to your work ethic and leaves you with an unfortunate negative mindset that not only working hard doesn’t necessarily pay off, but it causes your once positively peaceful thoughts, feelings, and emotions to become incredibly unbalanced as well.
In retrospect, there comes a point where seeking out that apology you feel you deserve from someone is fleeting. You see, once you let go of what has possibly consumed you/obsessed about mentally and emotionally, then the uncomfortably heavy burden that’s been weighing you down will finally be lifted because it wasn’t worth it to be carrying around to begin with. When that happens, you’re able to fully focus on what’s/who’s in front of and potentially ahead of you regarding your future instead of looking behind you at everything you’ve held on to for so long. In the end, sometimes in order to restore the balance of inner peace it’s best to be the bigger person and just forgive the person to bring back a sense of sanity into your life.
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