Ann Evertt once said, ~Love. Dude. It’s like a fart. You don’t even know it’s happening, but all of a sudden it crawls up the crack of your ass and then the stink hits you.~ If you think about it, when it comes to matters of the heart it can most definitely be compared to a normal body function that practically everybody has experienced and if they said they’ve never done it they’re lying. As humorous as it sounds, it’s truly an interesting and thought provoking situation indeed how 2 totally different, as well as innocuous topics of discussion can share at least 3 different similarities. Essentially, those 3 aforementioned similarities are suffering absolute embarrassment, denying it ever happened, and facing/dealing with the stinky situation in a hopefully mature way.
Let me ask this question, have you ever farted in the presence of someone you were either attracted to or potentially interested in? How did you initially react? I think it’s safe to say each one of us have made an utterly embarrassing stink, so to speak, in saying or doing something that you actually wanted to or felt the urge to not only run away, but possibly hide and never rejoin the outside world ever again? In any case, if/when that unfortunate occurrence happens again you’re faced with the following 2 options: 1.) allow your fight or flight to kick in and avoid lingering around making the situation even more incredibly awkward. OR 2.) make the most out of what’s negatively awkward by turning that stinky first impression into a situation where it gradually becomes a positive.
As I said before, one of the similarities that matters of the heart and a fart share is denying it ever happened, especially if it involves relationship issues not properly being dealt with. You see, relationship issues that end up turning problematic and filled with drama always have an uncanny ability to leave anyone expressing a stink face. For it’s a type of stink face that is made when there’s an unmistakable odor wafting, in a manner of speaking, in the air of a relationship that neither the guy/girl acknowledges. Anger, doubt, hatred, worry, sadness, frustration, dishonesty, bitterness, disappointment, utter contempt, etc. represent individually or as a whole an oftentimes overpowering smell that you don’t want to have it permanently settle thus causing even more issues/drama.
Without a doubt, there’s a level of maturity one hopes to reach in facing/dealing with a fart that you sometimes don’t realize is happening until it strikes. True, it comes out of nowhere just like how true happiness can strike at any moment whenever you’re really not paying attention. Thinking about it further, it’s how each one of us is able to maturely handle/face/deal with not just our own thoughts, feelings, and emotions but someone else’s as well that actually determines if we’re actually ready for it or not. What it primarily comes down to is being able to work on the problem in hopes of working together in no longer smelling the foul stench of mental, emotional, physical, and possibly even spiritual immaturity, especially for a number of relationships that wholeheartedly need it.
Someone said, ~Love is like a fart. Whatever you do it’s hard to hide it. When released, everyone will know even if you don’t confess.~ In retrospect, love/true love can certainly make an impact whether it strikes silently like a stealthy ninja or a loud explosion that rattles anyone straight to the core of their heart. In other words, it makes its presence known in its own unique way. Although it’s difficult at times to actually know what true happiness actually smells like in regard to a forever best friend, you'll know it when it finally hits or already has hit your nose or in this particular case your heart. In the end, it has the propensity to ultimately cause a major stink in both cases and as much as you try to do your best in hiding how it’s affected you the truth will always reveal itself without even uttering a single word.
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