Monday, January 01, 2024

Day 1(1st Yodaism of 2024)

Annie McKee once said, ~Leaders set the tone, and a positive tone that is grounded in optimism, curiosity, and excitement leads to individual and team success.~ Let me ask this question, how many of you were eagerly anticipating the start of 2024 and never looked back on 2023, which you’d gladly leave behind in your proverbial rearview mirror? I think it’s safe to say there are countless people who wholeheartedly agree that 2023 didn’t necessarily turn out the way he/she intended, knowing this past year may have taken its toll mentally, emotionally, physically, and/or spiritually. However, since it’s a brand new year it gives each one of us the opportunity to reset the past 365 days thus setting the tone when it comes to our own mindset, attitude, as well as behavior.

Without a doubt, we’re all not only given a clean slate to work with for the new year, but the potential for a positively fresh and hopefully optimistic mindset. For it’s a thought provoking situation indeed how a positive mental outlook can most definitely shape, in a manner of speaking, the possibility of a successful new year. Thinking about it further, having a positive instead of a negative outlook helps in the reduction of those stress and anxiety ridden days that we’ve all quite possibly experienced during this past year, whereby improving one’s overall mental health/well-being. Essentially, the level of focused optimism in which we think positive thoughts concerning goals/achievements in hopes of attaining positive results is something we individually set forth for ourselves or as part of a group.

If you think about it, there’s also a level of curiosity as to what 2024 will bring about as last year and every year before that was considered a year to forget. You see, it’s through our curiosity that determines whether the attitude each one of us exudes for what we’ll in all intents and purposes face off against this coming year is either a sense of calming peace and happiness or stress/anxiety ridden anger. Of course, we should never forget to be truly grateful and show that gratitude by expressing how thankful we all are. What it primarily comes down to is not just acknowledging one’s gratefulness towards people who’ve stuck by our side, day in and day out, encouraging/supporting us, but the Lord Almighty who has never wavered as he spiritually guided us during our own individual journey.

As I said before, there are countless people who wholeheartedly agree that 2023 didn’t necessarily turn out the way he/she intended, knowing this past year may have taken its toll mentally, emotionally, physically, and/or spiritually. Yet, despite the daily toll it may have taken in the areas previously mentioned last year there’s a feeling of excitement and a sense of revitalized energy that can completely change our behavior this year. For the most part, it's just a matter of letting go and moving on from the issues of the past you’ve been constantly dwelling on such as unwanted drama involving a significant other, friendship, family, work, etc. Hey, by letting go of those unwanted issues of drama you’re better focused on living day by day with an energetic pep in your step rather than being grumpy and cranky.

Jon C. Maxwell said, ~Set the tone for your day by treating people better than you expect to be treated by them. Be the first to smile. Express your appreciation for them. Expect the best out of them. If you act first, you will set yourself up for success.~ In retrospect, 2024 is full of absolute uncertainty filled with days of endless possibilities. Each one of us is setting the tone to unknowingly be an unselfish example for someone else. Although he/she may not follow the same path, the individual in question is leading by example in their own way and paying it forward for him/her to do the same as well. In the end, on day 1 and for the next 364 days try to set the tone in being optimistic, curious, courteous, thankful, grateful, excited and so much more even though we may not get it back in return.

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