Monday, December 25, 2023

No Excuses (Last Yodaism of 2023)

Roy T. Bennett once said, ~Do not lie to yourself. We have to be honest about what we want and take risks rather than lie to ourselves and make excuses to stay in our comfort zone.~ Without a doubt, each one of us can fall or have fallen into an unfortunate mindset indeed where excuses are/were made for either not pushing forward or finishing a goal to achieve for ourselves. True, we can most definitely feel that fire to be motivated mentally in the beginning when taking on such an immense challenge, but somewhere along the line that same fiery motivation slowly burns out. Thinking about it further, there comes a point where the strength in our resolve is suddenly weakened after taking a tremendous hit thus leading to the little voice in our head being heard loud and clear.

As I said before, there comes a point where the strength in our resolve is suddenly weakened after taking a tremendous hit, thus leading to the little voice in our head being heard loud and clear. Essentially it goes back to that aforementioned fiery motivation you had in the beginning being gradually weakened after it took either a mental, emotional, physical, and/or even a spiritual hit. I think it’s safe to say we’ve all heard that unmistakable voice in our head and ended up listening to the following two words: you can’t. Although it's just two words, they’re considerably powerful and have the ability to completely change our entire mindset and derail what we were focusing on knowing the more times it’s mentally repeated we’re susceptible to giving into that all too familiar excuse.

If you think about it, as human beings we have a tendency to procrastinate and make excuses on holding off on a particular task until the following day, which could have been easily finished on that day. I’ll do it tomorrow. Of course, it’s four words that are seemingly harmless. However, when tomorrow is moved to the next and the day after next the minor problem inevitably becomes something major, especially if it's a truly important personal or professional task that needs to be completed. Sadly, excuses like not being motivated enough, highly difficult, unable to effectively concentrate because of distractions, too tired, etc. are a number of excuses used to avoid any sort or responsibility each one of us have not only expressed, but get irrevocably stuck in if that repetitive cycle doesn’t get broken.

Let me ask this question to those who have a fear of failure, has FoF caused you to stop trying because of an underlying belief you’ll face disappointment anyway even if there is a small glimmer of hope in achieving success? In other words, quit while you’re ahead. Unfortunately, it’s that type of excuse in which people have fallen victim to listening to the negative voice in our head instead of tuning it out in order to face the possibility of failure head on. What it primarily comes down to is looking past the fear of uncertainty with a strong sense of hopeful determination, whereby making a reality of what one hoped for because we aggressively pushed past the obstacles/barriers that tried to mentally, emotionally, physically, and even spiritually psyched us out.

Personally speaking, over the years I’ve been encouraged by my friends and peers to get the Yodaisms I’ve written published into a book, which I agreed to. Yet, when it came to actually pulling the trigger to actually get it done I’ve made excuses like the process of actually getting done was too difficult. That or I feared the cost of actually having what I wrote published was too much. Fortunately, this past November I emailed Tell Tell Poetry and after initially emailing one another I took the risk in starting to get my work published. I’m happy to report that by early 2024, a total of 4 volumes of 'So Says The Guru' will be out for purchase with room for more to get published. In the end, if I can overcome the excuses of taking a risk then there are no excuses for you to take a risk and make what you want to achieve for 2024 a reality.

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