Friday, February 17, 2023

10 Second Love

Michelle Rodriguez's character Letty Ortiz once said, ~You will never be alone again. I vow wherever you go, I go, You ride, I ride. You fight, I fight. If you ever die on me Dominic Toretto, I'm going to die with you,~ If you think about it, there are certain aspects of the Fast and Furious franchise that innately reflect matters of the heart in regards to the high octane fueled, speed induced adrenaline rush otherwise known as love/true love. True, it can at times feel like you're racing behind the wheel of your own heart in order to try to win the proverbial pink slip of a guy/girl's heart you're interested in, so to speak. However, you don't want to ever end up crashing and burning behind that wheel because you found yourself in way over your head. For it's a thought provoking situation indeed as those living the single life are, in a sense, living a quarter mile at a time involving the dating scene in hopes of someday establishing a long lasting, worthwhile relationship with your own version of Brian/Mia, Han/Gisele, and/or Dom/Letty.

As I said before, it can at times feel like you're racing behind the wheel of your own heart in order to try to win the proverbial pink slip of a guy/girl's heart you're interested in, so to speak. Unfortunately, one can face a number of obstacles in trying to win the aforementioned pink slip of his/her heart like another "driver's" skills you're racing against. Granted, you can get an added racer's edge boost in the form of some NOS to get the upper hand, but if you don't know when and how to use it at the right time then you're nothing more than just a mere amateur. Thinking about it further, aren't we all considered mere amateurs in the quintessential race for true happiness as we talk ourselves into believing we can win only to fail miserably like Brain did against Dom? Of course, that's when the decision is made to either back out because of the fear of utter heartbreak or prove your worth to whoever he/she that's out there waiting for you to pull up on the metaphorical relationship starting line.

Without a doubt, when it comes to living the single life pertaining to the dating scene, there are times where it feels like you're simply drifting in circles around your own heart. I think its safe to say every person has felt like a foreigner looking from the outside in. Essentially, each one of us wants to truly experience a type of indescribable chemistry involving a forever best friend and don't want to end up left perpetually empty and lost within ourselves like Han was after the loss of Gisele. You see, it's a type of indescribable chemistry that, in a way, doesn't make noise and there's a sense of calm shared with one another. Of course, it's also a type of indescribable chemistry in which trust and character are two key ingredients deemed vitally important, which you want to be easily given in establishing a relationship. Of Course, it doesn't work that way as there's also faith, honor, respect, honesty, loyalty, understanding, communication, commitment, etc. that are mixed in as well and should be gradually earned instead of given away.

Let me ask this question to those of you who have watched every Fast and Furious movie, do you remember and can you name all the villains? You may be asking yourself why and what for? For the most part, there's a tendency where we can end up being our own worst enemy and become the villain in the pursuit of a forever best friend. In other words, who knows us better and is powerful enough than Tran, Verone, D.K., Braga, Reyes, Shaw Bros., Jakande, and Cipher combined in dealing with total annihilation, as well as destruction. Thinking about it further, we can turn our back on whereby inevitably betraying the set standards of ethics, morals, and/or values we individually hold on to for the sake of being someone other than our genuine selves. Although it's considerably difficult to admit when you're wrong you fully accept your mistakes knowing full well it's never too late to face your own redemption. However, you're not alone as you have your family in the form of your best buds/gal pals riding alongside with you.

In retrospect, falling in love can be compared to being part of a ridiculously over the top thrill ride that doesn't make sense half the time. However, you want to take part in it knowing you'll experience a roller coaster of emotions, especially when you actually find and are lucky enough to meet someone special who is now your ride or die absolute dream come true. Unfortunately, there are those who have constantly suffered heartbreak to where the possibility of hope ended up dying. Yet, despite the death of hope it will somehow resurface and you'll see it again because of the guy/girl in question who initially revved up the engines of your thoughts, feelings, as well as emotions. Oftentimes, it takes a Hobbs smackdown style kick in the ass to be that motivating factor in taking the first step in shifting the course of your own heart from where you originally started to where you truly want to be now. In the end, nobody should settle for a 10 second love or one that lasts 10 minutes for that matter because what you want and are deserving of is absolutely timeless.

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