Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Need A Spare (First Yodaism of 2023)

Someone once said, ~A negative attitude is like a flat can't go anywhere until you change it.~ Without a doubt, there are certain aspects in life in which you can feel like you're moving forward only to find yourself experiencing a gradual or sudden flat tire, so to speak. A metaphorical flat tire to be exact where you can either face/deal with the problem or not do anything about it thus causing you to be in all tense and purposes stuck on the side of the road. For its certainly a thought provoking situation indeed in comparing how there are times where life goes flat like a tire as one can most definitely endure a tremendous amount of mental, emotional, physical, as well as spiritual wear and tear.

As I said before, you can most definitely endure a tremendous amount of mental, emotional, physical, as well as spiritual wear and tear regarding aspects of life going flat like a tire while trying to reach one's intended destination. Thinking about it further, it's the constant mental wear back and foth along with the experiencing the up and down roller coaster of mixed emotions within the quintessential internal highway otherwise known as the human heart. I think it's safe to say we've all put a lot of mileage in mind, body, and soul to the point where each one of us have gone or are going through a number of late tire situations. Yet, it's our attitude that is considered the key factor in determining how quickly it can be changed.

If you think about it, a person's attitude can certainly be key in the determining factor of whether or not you're left stranded, especially when it involves a truly beneficial opportunity that could very well be life changing. OFtentimes, each of us have come close to or walking the fine line of having a level headed mind that balanced out the utmost confidence we have in ourselves. However, when there's a shift in the individual's confidence that turns arrogant an unbalanced shift occurs resulting in an over inflated ego, which can be quite difficult in discussing any sort of truth he/she refuses to hear. What it primarily comes down to is exactly hitting their ego in such a way their attitude is instantly deflated.

Let me ask this question to those who have changed a flat tire before, what was the most challenging experience to deal with? If you answered the amount of time and patience taken to change the flat tire you're correct. Of course, the amount of time and patience it takes to fix a flat tire is paramount because you don't want to make any unwanted mistakes that end up turning into a major accident. Thinking about it further, that same amount of time and patience in changing a flat tire should be taken when fixing the metaphorical flat tire otherwise known as the human heart, especially after an utter heartbreak. In other words, take your time and be patient when healing a broken heart instead of recklessly putting on the spare, so to speak, which is just a temporary fix.

In retrospect, we all try to avoid the nails of drama the best we can on the road of life that inevitably become life lessons. Granted, we may not have realized it at the time but when you do it can certainly be a profoundly eye opening moment. The human heart trying to bounce back from having it being punctured, a long standing friendship that's now beyond repair, and/or a career path that has left you metaphorically stalled on the side of the road. Essentially, the one person that is able to fix the problem is yourself and don't be afraid to get your hands dirty, in a manner of speaking. In the end, if you ever need a spare in the form of helpful advice just know your best buds/gal pals as your quintessential Triple A will be of assistance, which is always a plus.

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