Monday, August 01, 2016


Saor Alba once said, ~Something stirs within me when I hear the bagpipes play. They reach down deep inside my heart whether close or far away. As I stand and listen something happens deep inside. Their music flows into my soul and fills my heart with pride. But something else is happening. Something you cannot see. For the heart begins to wander and longs once more to be free.~ Without a doubt, a sense of restlessness stirs within that represents the struggle between calm and chaos. For it is a type of struggle where the seemingly haunting burdens of the heart, soul, and mind are clenched tightly by the claws of a beastly past, so to speak. Essentially, it's the yearning to be anywhere but where you are sounds off like a faint beating drum growing increasingly louder so much so it shakes the very core of who you are.

If you think about it, every man has the heart, soul, and mind of a warrior...a Scottish warrior in this particular case. There is a fiery passion both seen and unseen where the bagpipes that quintessentially play the melodies of songs of your life are either positively up or negatively down depending on how the wind blows. Yet, it doesn't hurt raising up a pint or two or three that help blur returning memories whereby greatly numbing a beastly past full of mixed emotions swiping it's ravenous claws with absolute viciousness. Of course, like any true Scottish warrior you pick yourself up despite all the wounds suffered and continue to keep fighting in every sense of the word with hardened determination knowing there is a song being played somewhere out in the distance to the point where the call is needed to travel far and wide.

As said before, the yearning to be anywhere but where you are sounds off like a faint beating drum growing increasingly louder so much so it shakes the very core of who you are. Thinking about it further, it's that same faint sound of the beating drum growing increasingly louder, shaking the very core of who you are and what has been shaking is deafening change. I think it's safe to say change is something you've been wanting for quite some time and the chance to carpe diem by seizing change personally, emotionally, mentally, and maybe even spiritually. Granted, the chance to truly exhale and be given a sense of much relief miles away from a place that holds so many memories to places that you'll be able to breathe in to where new memories are made is a change one would gladly take, whether it's merely temporary or a change for the better.

Oftentimes, despite all the painful wounds suffered a Scotsman keeps fighting in every sense of the word with hardened determination knowing there is a song being played somewhere out in the distance to the point where the call us heeded to travel far and wide. True, it's most definitely a much needed call to heed indeed in order to listen, in a manner of speaking, to new melodies and not to mention explore new destinations to where it gives one the opportunity to broaden their horizons. Horizons never before seen, as well as experiences giving new found insight as to witnessing first hand a whole new atmosphere one has possibly only dreamed about. You see, by broadening one's horizons you inevitably get the chance to meet in person online strangers who have now become lifelong friends, which is a personal worthwhile goal that will certainly be achieved.

In retrospect, the bagpipes are playing the melody of a whole new set of songs for the warrior Scotsman. A song in which a man chooses to live rather than die in the metaphorical sense. The choice to live to the fullest is a choice you won't regret and don't waste any second of it. You've taken the opportunity to make what was seemingly nothing and ended up turning into something that truly has meaning. Fortunately, the opportunity to hopefully no longer be in a sense a slave to the past breaking away from the chains of what has been holding you down in some way, shape, and/or form. In the end Patrick Gilday, when that day comes to in all intents and purposes spread your wings to fly I dare say you'll have all the freedom to do whatever you want as you take the initial step forward facing a whole new world whatever it may be with unwavering courage.

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