Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Easy Is Overrated

Someone once said, ~A challenge is an opportunity to prove your ability to yourself and others. Most never reach the level of achievement of which they are capable because they don't challenge themselves enough.~ If you think about it, there seems to be nowadays where a number of people would rather not do much of anything than to put their all into something feeling as though they won't get any benefits out of it, especially when it pertains to the daily grind. For it's a sad state of affairs indeed knowing that there is an unfortunate and not to mention selfish lazy mindset in which an individual wants a paycheck but at the same time does as little work as possible. Essentially, he and/or she has within themselves to seek out a challenge instead of simply coasting along in the working world.

As I said before, there seems to be nowadays where a number of people would rather not do much of anything than to put their all into something feeling as though they won't get any benefits out of it, especially when it pertains to the daily grind. In other words, getting an easy paycheck without really earning any of it whatsoever. Sadly, there tends to be a lock of strong willed determination for individuals to set out and experience a challenging profession where your horizons are broadened in every way. It's broadened in the sense you primarily step out of your comfort zone in order to try and prove to yourself that fear, as well as the doubt won't ever hold you back from accomplishing the goals in one whole new set career path.

Without a doubt, taking part in the daily grind consequently means putting 110% into that position you've been hired for and certainly showing the powers that be you're capable of doing to the best of your ability. Of course, like with academics you study by taking as many notes as possible. Also, not being afraid to ask questions to learn more about what is expected of you is a way to show your employer/supervisor you're truly interested in learning more even if it may seem stupid. True, you may not be the inquisitive type due to your "I got this/I know this" mentality whereby wanting to figure it out on your own. Ultimately, you gotta put your ego and pride aside to be the type of employee who lives to take up the challenges and not make your employer's life utterly challenging and inevitably question his decision to hire you.

Let me ask you this question to those who have a procession that challenges you, what do you accredited for you to continually reach the next level on the proverbial ladder of success? Oftentimes, having a great work ethic combined with an optimistic attitude pays off big dividends down the road. You see, even though you may not be paying attention because of how hard you're working for a better life there are definitely eyes on you and they're definitely taking notice. Let me tell you something, there is a difference between a person who is a brown noser getting ahead by sucking up in order to impress the boss and one who sets their nose to the grindstone to impress yourself to where it impresses the higher ups.

In retrospect, there has been a movement within the world of fast food where people voiced that they're entitled to a bigger minimum wage. Thinking about it, would a person work much harder if the minimum wage was increased, whereby lessening the challenge of it whatever the profession may be? It's something to have a lengthy discussion about being that there is a challenge in itself with the job market being what it is today. Personally speaking, I credit the work ethic I have to my father who instilled in me from an early age to work your butt off and it will pay off in the future. I've taken his advice to heart and hopefully you've taken you're parent's advice to heart by instilling it into your children as well. In the end, find and look forward to overcoming challenges in a job/career that brings out the best in you because the fast of the matter is easy is overrated.

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