Saturday, December 08, 2012

Tell Me...

Oscar Wilde once said, ~Fashion is what one wears oneself. What us unfashionable is what other people wear.~ Without a doubt, the fashion choices each one of us make on a daily basis is most definitely the style we're accustomed to wearing within reason mind you. You see, what may be the trend for others isn't necessarily getting others to follow suit because quite frankly what people choose to wear out in public can certainly leave you absolutely speechless, in a bad way of course. For it's a mind boggling situation indeed to witness the horrifying and at the same time humorous display of public fashion that is considered not only an oddity, but a truly bizarre phenomenon in which you can't help shake your head at in disbelief.

If you think about it, we've all at some point regretted the style choices of the past as we took a look back at past photos of ourselves back in the day and thought what in the world was I wearing when it came to dressing for school. Essentially, its that particular cool mindset in regards to school fashion has inevitably become astonishingly embarrassing evidence to share with the younger generation, especially for those who are in our early to late 30's and older. Thinking about it further, you have to have a sense of humor concerning the clothes we wore back then knowing full well the ridiculousness of it all to the point of wondering why didn't our parents stop us from leaving the house dressed like that. Hey, it was our own skewed vision of what seemingly worked that unfortunately became a lesson learned in what not to wear in the future.

As I said before, we've all at some point witnessed the mind boggling, horrifying and not to mention humorous display of public fashion that's not only an oddity but a truly bizarre phenomenon in which you can't help but shake your head at in disbelief. I think it would be safe to say every person would gladly have the capability of making a phone call and have the individual(s) in question who are boldly making an unfortunate fashion statement or lack thereof disappear. Granted, it involves contacting men in black suits and wearing dark sunglasses snatching up people who broke the laws of fashion instead of being an alien. which is a initiative many would gladly get behind if it were legal that is. Let me tell you something, these unfortunate crimes of fashion can oftentimes be found practically everywhere but none more so that one place...Wal-Mart.

Let me ask you this question to those who are avid shoppers at Wallyworld, what is the most outrageous outfit you've seen there that you had to take a picture of him or her? Oftentimes, you certainly can't help but stare as if it's like a car crash and as much as you want to look away you're unable to because of how awesomely tragic it is. In other words, its a crime against humanity and I'm 100% sure it's also can cause a person to go to therapy because as hard as you try what is seen can't be unseen. True, you have the tendency to just stop what you're shopping for or aimlessly walking around because you're bored so much so you not only quite possibly call a friend but send him/her a picture/vid of the individual as well. Fortunately, many of these pics the spectacle that is the complete train-wreck for you along with the rest of the world can view them on the following website:

In retrospect, the conscious choice one makes to boldly wear something or the lack thereof out in public is their own right. Yet, what they lack in self respect and tackiness they gain in being the butt of jokes for those around the world to view in regards to the aforementioned website above. Personally speaking, I saw a mother and a daughter at the post office just a couple of days ago wearing the exact same thing...jean short-shorts and black tank top, which is just totally wrong. It's a sad state of affairs when you have people who don't care what they're dressed in or the amused, horrified stares people give towards him/her knowing full well they're getting the attention they secretly want to receive. In the end, there comes a moment when you witness something so unbelievable in regards to outlandish fashion you end up stopping in tracks, let the image sink in your mind, and say out loud to yourself or those around you tell me I did not just see that.

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