Sunday, December 02, 2012

Feature Presentation

Someone once said, ~Life is like going to a movie. You paid the money, get your snacks, choose your seats, and wait with absolute anticipation for the movie to begin. If you end up sleeping through it, you possibly miss out on the good parts; but do you really care if you do?~ If you think about it, life is in some aspect like going to a movie because each morning we wake up our quintessential movie ticket of life is already waiting for us to use and it's free no less. For its a ticket that provides each one of us access to a cinematic extravaganza, so to speak, that most definitely has a beginning and ending, but when it comes to the scenes in between it practically changes. Essentially, it's the unpredictability of life of an oftentimes unforeseen twists and turns making our own lives so compelling up on the so-called big screen of life.

Without a doubt, what any person sometimes looks forward to other than watching an awesome movie is being able to eat at an assortment of snacks provided on display inevitably located at the front snack counter. Thinking about it further, you practically have the choice to purchase anything you want that is displayed either in the glass case or advertised up on the board. In a sense, when we step into the movie theater of life we're given the choice to not only meet an assorted number of people displayed out in the world and be friends with them; but make the conscious decision to quite possibly form a lasting relationship as well. Hey, we all have different tastes in regards to the type of people we want to associate with to where we don't want to end up wanting a refund, in a manner of speaking, concerning a regrettably, costly mistake in picking him/her as a friend.

As said before in the above mentioned quote, one of the things about having a pleasurable experience at a movie is getting the right seat, which truly makes all the difference. You see, it can either be a considerably easy or tough situation indeed depending how early or late you get there. I think it's safe to say we've all had that unfortunate experience of trying to evolve into a higher being, locating a seat within the darkness of a movie theater. In the same context, it's that way with one's professional life as we strive to maneuver around in our very own perpetual darkness of the unknown future of locating what career that best suits us long term. True, there are some people who have been able to find their place in the working world and yet there are others who unfortunately continue to stand at the bottom of the stairs looking up or stumbling within the darkness finding an open seat.

Let me ask you this question to those who are avid movie goers, no matter what movie you go to, are you the type of person who has the tendency to fall asleep thus missing out on the important and pivotal moments of a movie scene? In life, there are certain moments we ultimately miss out on because we were in all intents and purposes asleep at the wheel, especially when it pertains to matters of the heart. It's a sad state of affairs when you find yourself "waking up" during a moment of a potentially worthwhile relationship where you realize love/true love is/has been standing right in front of you. Unfortunately, one was too late in making that realization causing you to have that inner or outer scream session while watching the metaphorical credits of your love life sadly rolling down the movie screen of life. However, it doesn't have to be that way because it's your love story and you have the ability to have it end with true happiness.

In retrospect, the matinee that is our life is primarily viewed by everyone to see and vice versa. Of course, there are going to be those individuals who will annoy you to no end by either having a conversation with someone or talking on their cell phone knowing full well they're causing you to have an enjoyable movie going experience. In other words, those particular people are the ones who live for drama and have nothing better to do than disturb the pure enjoyment you're having with a certain someone of interest, family, co-workers, and or friends. Granted, you'll want you to shush them but it just provokes them even more. What it primarily comes down to is ignoring them and the annoying noise of drama will hopefully stop. In the end, I say to you I hope the feature presentation of your life playing before your eyes as you wake up each day is worthy at the end of day of a thumbs up instead of a thumbs down.

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