Wednesday, September 04, 2024

A Temporary Fix

Jamie Hynerman once said, ~Duct tape is not a perfect solution to anything. But with a little creativity, in a pinch, it’s an adequate solution to just about everything.~ Let me ask you this question to those who have used duct tape to hold together and/or repair something, was it considered a temporary or long term to the issues/problem you were experiencing? In other words, we MacGyvered it and for any of us who are of a certain age we know this pop culture reference. In any case, it’s a thought provoking situation indeed as we do our best in duct taping ourselves together when particular aspects of life or life in general tends to tear us apart, in a manner of speaking. Thinking about it further, life can certainly tear us apart in the following ways: mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

Without a doubt, when we find ourselves mentally torn apart we try to, in a sense, duct tape the tears like a band aid in hopes of avoiding not only a mental, but emotional breakdown as well. Unfortunately, trying to achieve that sort of mental/emotional stability isn’t necessarily considered a permanent solution to fix whatever issues you’re dealing with mentally and emotionally. Why? Although you’re, for all intents and purposes, attempting to stop your heart/mind from being completely torn apart, one’s issues are either ignored or refused to be taken care of to the point where it’s simply covered up in duct tape, so to speak. Sadly, there are countless people out there who are covered in so much mental/emotional duct tape that removing it will be considerably difficult, as well as incredibly painful.

Psalm 7:2 says, ~Lest he tear my soul like a lion, rending it in pieces, while there is none to deliver.~ I think it’s safe to say a person can most definitely find himself/herself experiencing a tremendous struggle in their faith in regard to their spiritual walk with God, which can be completely torn apart by the claws of a lion representing the pleasures of the world. Of course, if that person spiritually falters, the duct tape that represents worldly pleasures such as drinking, gambling, etc. won’t help as they’re viewed as an absolute hindrance for one’s spiritual growth and healing process. What it primarily comes down to is reading His word in the bible and through fervent prayer to Him it will solidly hold together your faithful walk far better than the handy go to gray/black adhesive tape that is a representation of the world.

If you think about it, as we get older it’s inevitable that each one of us experience the aches and pains of growing older. For it’s a bittersweet and rude awakening that we aren’t as young as we used to where a significant impact is felt more so for guys than women.. True, one can find the humor in how our own body is falling apart either altogether or in sections and one of the potential solutions we joke about doing is duct taping ourselves together. Truth be told, it’s become a reality with the creation of kinesiology tape that countless pro athletes have on certain parts of their bodies, which helps in supporting and relieving pain in the muscles/joints. For the most part, we just have to take care of ourselves physically by exercising daily and eating healthier in order to avoid the major pitfalls of suffering any sort of serious physical injuries.

In retrospect, duct tape is never really deemed a permanent solution to fix issues/problems because it’s merely covering it up. In some aspects, it’s what a number of individuals are doing when it comes to either their mental/emotional health, being spiritually lost and their overall health. Essentially, they’re covering up their issues/problems without really focusing on how to properly take care of whatever you’re dealing with. Speaking with a therapist, going to church, and/or going to the gym are just some of the initiatives that people should be taking for themselves in making positive steps for improvement when it pertains to your mind, body, and soul. In the end, don’t ever find yourself duct taping the issues/problems you’re facing because it’s considered a temporary fix that will continue to be a problem if not properly taken care of.

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