Thursday, August 08, 2024

Your Name

Patrick Jones once said, ~That’s life you know. It is all one big waiting room. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it’s bad. And then, like you, sometimes it’s great.~ If you think about it, life sometimes feels like you’re sitting in a waiting room until a door opens and it’s announced your turn is next, especially when it pertains to matters of the heart. It’s a type of waiting that most definitely tests the limits of an individual’s mental and emotional patience. For it’s a thought provoking situation indeed for anyone who waited or is continuing to wait for that metaphorical door representing a strong worthwhile relationship to not only open, but be able to finally be happily welcomed with a smile by someone you’ve patiently wanted to meet for quite some time.

As I said before, life sometimes feels like you’re sitting in a waiting room until a door opens and it’s announced your turn is next, especially when it pertains to matters of the heart. I think it’s safe to say when you’re living the single life your patience is mentally and emotionally tested as one finds himself/herself “sitting” within the quintessential waiting room of your own heart. Of course, being able to “sit” there and wait is considered to be the easy part as you’re doing your best in distracting yourself from completely staring at the metaphorical door representing love/true love. Essentially, the best kind of distraction is simply living your life to the fullest with your best buds/gal pals, which helps pass the time while you’re waiting.

Without a doubt, we’ve all thought or uttered under our breath while sitting in a waiting room the following words: What is taking so long? Oftentimes, when you’ve been sitting in a waiting room for an inordinate amount of time one has probably felt annoyed, irritated, agitated, frustrated, restless and not to mention angery. Thinking about it further, it’s those same feelings previously mentioned that can also be felt in the waiting room located within your own heart, which can drive a person absolutely crazy? Why? Although the space of an actual waiting room is limited, the one located in a person’s heart is vast and never ending to the point where having to wait can become mentally, as well as emotionally unbearable.

Isaiah 40:31 says ~But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.~ Let me ask this question to those who patiently waited in regard to the Lord’s will involving that special certain someone, how long did it take till the door finally opened pertaining to the waiting room door representing true happiness? In other words, placing all of one’s trust in His will for that door to eventually open. What it primarily comes down to is knowing that it’s all in God’s timing as He knows the person who’ll be opening the door to the waiting room of your heart is going to be well worth the long wait.

In retrospect, there comes a point while “sitting” in the waiting room of one’s own heart, it can seem considerably unfair that other individuals are experiencing their dream come before you. Unfortunately, it doesn’t necessarily help when our own thoughts, feelings, and emotions can push/drive a person to the brink of absolute insanity because we’re so focused on everyone else’s name being called. Ultimately, instead of putting the focus on everyone else one should be focusing on Him. In the end, when that happens the door will finally open, your name will be announced and all the mental/emotional “sitting” you’ve endured gives way to an overwhelming sense of relaxing relief and an absolute relieved smile as well.

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