Saturday, January 25, 2020

Pop (1st Yodaism of 2020)

Brittney Moses once said, ~You have to stop thinking that you'll be stuck in your current situation forever. We feel like our hearts will never heal, or we'll never get out of this impossible struggle. Don't confuse the season for a lifetime. Even your trials have an expiration date. You will grow, life will change, things will work out.~ If you think about it, being in what is referred to as a relationship bubble is considered to be a positive instead of a negative as a couple creates a quintessential safe zone whereby establishing a comforting sense of security with each other. True, there can most definitely be more advantages than disadvantages in working hard in establishing a strong, cohesive unit of individuality and at the same time focusing on being each other's top priority rather than on the excessive negativity of codependency.

Without a doubt, there are couples out there who have been able to turn negative aspects of their relationships into something positive, significant so much so they've encased themselves in a strong, spherically solid foundation that still holds strong. Trust, honesty, respect, faith, intimacy, understanding, commitment, communication, etc. are a number of key foundational aspects to help reinforce the love relationship bond between one another. Of course, to have that kind of foundational reinforcement provides the opportunity to learn more about each other without any outside distractions all-the-while allowing him/her/you to feel absolutely safe. In other words, freeing yourself or each other for that matter from seemingly claustrophobic issues resulting in panic induced anxiety by actually working to talk things out and not avoiding them.

As I said before, there can most definitely be more advantages than disadvantages in working a strong, cohesive unit of individuality rather than an excessive negativity of codependency. For it's unfortunate situation indeed when there is a lack of individuality in a shared relationship thus causing considerable conflict. The conflict combined with the lack of relief or support for that matter can very well lead to a constant want/need of validation whereby putting tremendous personal, mental, emotional, and physical stress on their partner. Essentially, it’s the aforementioned stress inevitably leads the shared bubble to become crowded, in a manner of speaking, filling up with doubt, fear, anger, worry, confusion, frustration, bitterness, disappointment, etc. whereby doing more harm than good to the relationship itself.

Let me ask this question to those in a significant relationship who are able to have their own individuality, what has helped keep the both of you in the bubble, so to speak, and not let yourselves feel as if you're suffocating each other. I think its safe to say space and make enough room for one another to be able to breathe while enjoying separately your own quality "me time" so as to allow easy and not forced movements in regards to the right direction of where the both of you are mutually heading towards. Thinking about it further, by providing enough space for a work in progress pertaining to mistakes made that don't end up putting overwhelming pressure to fix it right away. What it primarily comes down to is not having a sort of doomsday countdown clock mindset where you're frantically waiting for the relationship bubble to burst at any moent.

In retrospect, it can certainly be a thought provoking concept to view the relationship process between 2 people as being formed in their own unique bubble. A unique bubble that a couple can be very protective of once the relationship becomes significantly serious and not to mention stronger as well. Unfortunately, there can be at times an expiration date mentality happening for fear of not facing head on together with any or all unresolved trials and tribulations that have the propensity to explode from the inside out. Hey, we've all seen it happen with relationships in the past. In the end, I say to those who have been in their quintessential bubble of protection for quite some time step outside from time to time to in all intents and purposes clear the air in the relationship so that it doesn't completely pop because of all the negative pressure/tension possibly building up inside.

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