Someone once said, ~If you try to be aware and not loving, your awareness will become dry, almost will not be alive and dancing. If you try to love and forget awareness, it becomes like a drunkenness, an addiction. And both have been tried. People have tried to love, but then they feel they are lost in it, they lose their moorings, their roots. Then frustrated by love they try awareness, the opposite pole. Then they become closed, like a walking tomb, absolute dry-no leaf, no flower comes, the tree is dead. Both miss. If both can be managed together, one remains in the world and not of it.~ Without a doubt, matters of the heart and the fictional action movie character Jason Bourne are synonymous with each other in a sense where there is an inward struggle/battle of evading capture, so to speak, of one's own thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
As I said before, there is a definite correlation with matters of the heart and Matt Damon's character Jason Bourne in which there can most definitely be an inward struggle in trying to in all intents and purposes avoid being captured by one's thought, feelings, and not to mention emotions. What do I mean? Thinking about it further, the previous three mentioned can certainly cause any individual to be at a constant heightened state of awareness to the point where you do your best at protecting yourself from the pangs of utter heartbreak. Essentially, one of the main key aspects that's strongly protected is trust and like Bourne trusting in Marie who she could have easily betrayed him but she didn't. Oftentimes, it's that type of Marie-like trust we all want in a worthwhile relationship where once our guarded walls are down we give in to becoming completely vulnerable but not susceptible to be mentally/emotionally influenced.
If you think about it, trust is a considerably rare asset to share these days knowing full well the dating scene can be filled with absolute lies, treachery, and half truths. What's vital is having eyes in the back of your head and within your heart too. True, it's a difficult task to undertake indeed to find out the truth for yourself as Bourne did in trying to figure out a past non-sanctioned mission involving the elimination of Neski and his wife in Berlin. Of course, there will be or have been times where experiencing narrow escapes in regards to battling one's own thoughts, feelings, and emotions to where shedding one's identity and putting on another is considered to be an alternative in order to heal in every sense of the word. In other words, staying off the grid emotionally and mentally within yourself at
Let me ask you this question regarding the third installment of The Bourne movies, what did Jason Bourne do in order to figure out his true identity David Webb provided to him by Pamela Landy? If you answered go back to the place where it all began for him in the form of Dr. Albert Hirsch you would be correct. Granted, wanting the truth and finally getting the truth can do more harm than good leading to more questions than answers, especially involving letting go of the past. Unfortunately, for a certain number of people they're unable to reconcile the identity they once had, leaving him/her to still wear the scars, in a manner of speaking, of that unfortunate past relationship heartbreak. However, for others who have been able to reconcile a past relationship identity they're fortunate enough to shed it entirely where it has given him/her/you the opportunity to take positive a big leap forward into regaining one's lost identity.
In retrospect, the mission that is the pursuit of true happiness is one where quite a number of people including myself are carefully in the middle of. Granted, the focus may not be on the mission itself as it is on simply living life to the fullest the best we possibly can. What it primarily comes down to is having our own version of Nicky Parsons by our side in the form of gal pals and/or best buds providing us with hopefully the best possible information pertinent to our personal pursuit of our best friend for life. Ultimately, each one of us will encounter dangers targeting our heart along the way so much so that we should keep continually vigilant so as to not fall victim to utter heartbreak whereby being captured by our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. In the end, we're all in a way starring in our own movie version of The Heart Identity where you make smart moves avoiding potential threats, know the truth of who you are and don't lose yourself entirely in the pursuit of love/true love.
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