Someone once said, ~Life is not a series of meaningless accidents. When things are bound to happen, they surely will. You are not an accident and I was meant to know you. That’s serendipity.~ Serendipity by definition is the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way. Thinking about it, each one of us wants to find something intrinsically valuable when we’re not even looking for it, especially when it pertains to matters of the heart. It’s a type of unexplainable occurrence so mysterious that can’t be forced and if there are any attempts to do so you may very well find yourself nowhere near where you want to be. Oftentimes, it’s when you’re not totally obsessing over meeting the one and falling in love we eventually end up stumbling/bumping into the person who inevitably becomes our best friend for life.
If you think about it, stories can most definitely be told/shared of how a first meeting with a now significant other became a right person but wrong time type of situation. For it’s certainly an interesting timeline of events indeed for any couple who meet and have a seemingly instant, as well as genuine connection. However, fate/destiny/happenstance or in this particular case God knows the time isn’t right causing the both of you to unfortunately part ways. Now if it’s meant to be, the both of you will one day cross paths by way of a series of crazy, weird and/or strange events, one one’s individual journey towards eventual true happiness. What it primarily comes down to is being patient and trusting in God’s timing knowing full well you’ll be guided to whoever He has planned for you. The question is will it be him/her?
As I said before, it takes a tremendous amount of patience and trusting in God’s timing knowing full well you’ll be guided to whoever He has planned for you. The question is will it be him/her? You see, the funny thing about life is when it involves love/true love anything can happen. In other words, expect the unexpected and the unpredictability of it all. In any case, while you’re living life you’re hopefully gaining the experience and knowledge helping you grow personally, mentally, emotionally, physically, and not to mention spiritually. Hey, it’s during one’s time of growth you achieve a better understanding of who you are and the type of person you want to become. Fortunately, you have your best beds/gal pals getting you through the craziness of life and supporting you every step of the way even though they think you're certifiably insane.
Without a doubt, if it’s meant to be you and that certain someone will one day cross paths by way of a series of crazy, weird and/or strange events on one’s individual journey towards eventual true happiness. A person such as a mutual acquaintance, significant place of meaning, and/or thing associated with him/her can surely cause any person to become aware of the seemingly haunting sense of a connection that taps you on the heart, so to speak, even though you haven’t seen him/her for months or even years for that matter. Essentially, it’s that same haunting sense of a connection where it can lead a person to brush it off thinking it’s merely just a funny coincidence. Unfortunately, said coincidences are happening more frequently, so much so you can’t completely ignore it leading you to just go with the flow to wherever life is taking you.
In retrospect, the belief in destiny/fate/happenstance in regards to falling in love is something not every person puts their faith in. Of course, you can become skeptical and rightly so due to past painful heartbreak. Yet, the thing called love is a powerful force and its uncanny ability to bring two people together after parting ways months or years ago is truly amazing, turning any skeptic into a believer. I think it’s safe to say for those living the single life such as myself we all want, in the romantic sense, a serendipitous love story like Jonathon Trager and Sara Thomas in the movie Serendipity. Ultimately, it doesn’t hurt to cling to the belief that life isn’t a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences; but rather a tapestry of events that culminate in an exquisite, sublime plan. In the end, seconds chances are rarity these days so if it's the universe's/God's plan to meet again you can't deny it then that’s when you know and this time you never let go, which is a song by author/Grammy award winning singer-songwriter Shawn Colvin.
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