Emily Greene Balch once said, ~The future will be determined in part by happenings that it is impossible to foresee; in part by happenings by trends that are now existent and observable.~ Let me ask you this question, have you recently or in the past taken part in any viral challenges? If so, which ones? Thinking about it, the advent of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc. have given a platform for today's youth and not to mention adults to foolishly attempt and then allow the vast majority on the interweb to view these said challenges. For it completely befuddled the mind as to the specific viral challenges that are being done/attempted to the point where they're actually putting one's own health, safety, and well-being in their hands, which is a level of absolute foolish insanity you're at times simply unable to comprehend.
Without a doubt, when it comes to being influenced into doing a challenge to where its a risky situation indeed to one's very own health The Cinnamon Challenge certainly comes to mind. The basic premise is to record yourself swallowing a spoonful of ground cinnamon in under 60 seconds without drinking anything then upload the video to social media for everyone to view. True, the challenge itself became a widespread phenomenon since its creation in 2001 but it didn't increase in popularity until 2007. However, the dangerous ramifications involved is people suffering serious health risks such as dry mouth and throat irritation resulting in coughing, gagging, vomiting, breathing difficulties, risk of pneumonia, and/or even experiencing a collapsed lung. So, anyone jumping at the chance to go do this right now because it sounds really fun doesn't it?
As I said before, the advent of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc. have given a platform for today's youth and not to mention adults to foolishly attempt and then allow the vast majority on the interweb to view these said challenges. Of course, another viral challenge that has been attempted but once again has failed miserably is The Fire Challenge. Yes, it does involve dousing yourself with some type of flammable liquid and setting yourself on fire. Of course, you have to truly wrap your brain around the idiotic mindset of thinking the challenge may actually go well. WRONG!!! Essentially, the end result is countless youth have endured 1st and 2nd degree burns by running in a frantic panic instead of stop, drop, and rolling to extinguish the flames. Hey, as a direct result of going through with this insane activity they'll be constantly reminded of how absolutely stupid they are.
For the question can be asked to you ladies and quite possibly a few guys out there, how many of you are fans of the Kardashian family? How about the young lady currently "dating" rapper Tyga? If so, have you stupidly participated in the Kylie Jenner Challenge where in an effort to make their lips as plump as hers young females and certain guys stick their mouth in shot glasses and then suck to double their size for the expressed purpose of what has been referred to as "the perfect pout". Unfortunately, the end result is utterly disastrous with the potential of scarring damage and permanent disfigurement just to emulate what they deem is a role model. However, it was revealed by Ms. Jenner herself that her perfect pout wasn't all natural as they were made that way due to the injections she received to her lips. Ultimately, what may seem like a popular trend is something totally pointless conceived by a so-called reality star.
In retrospect, viral challenges seemingly come and go with a snap of a finger nowadays. For the most part, there are particular challenges that do actually do some good in the whole scheme of things. Personally speaking, I took part in and contributed to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. What it primarily brought awareness to individuals suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or otherwise known as Lou Gherig's Disease. The challenge is basically to dump a bucket of ice cold water on yourself and then challenge others to do it all for a worthy cause. Sadly, there is a lack of common sense these days with kids/adults ending up hurt and laying in a hospital bed because of another viral challenge. In the end, I urge anyone to rethink doing some crazy viral challenge of the week/month whatever it may be; but if you're dead set on doing it then go right ahead at your own risk.
1 comment:
Dante - Your blog is still awesome!
No, I haven't taken part in any viral challenges (except peace globes) and probably wouldn't if they sounded crazy. But the cinnamon thing kinda worries me now that you mention it. I eat a tbsp of cinnamon on my oatmeal EVERY morning and I don't have any issues. LOL!
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