Friday, November 13, 2009

On and Off

Sharon Salzberg once said, ~It doesn't matter how long we may have been stuck in a sense of our limitations. If we go into a darkened room and turn on the light, it doesn't matter if the room has been dark for a day, a week, or ten thousand years - we turn on the light and it's illuminated. Once we control our capacity for love and happiness, the light has been turned on.~ In some aspect, love/true love can be like turning on a light switch within a person's heart but unfortunately for a certain number of people their heart is for all intents and purposes in the off position waiting for someone truly special to finally flip the switch of true happiness. What it primarily comes down to is making the innate choice to be happy instead of just settling to be comfortable.

Without a doubt, when you make the choice to be happy and not settle for being comfortable in a significant relationship it can most definitely flip the darkened frown felt within your heart turning it into a bright shining smile. Oftentimes, when a person is comfortable rather than happy in love he, she, or both people tend to be complacent in the relationship to the point where not only the friendship is gradually lost, but there is a loss in caring about the other person's feelings. It's a sad situation indeed when a guy/girl "flips off" certain aspects of love such as caring, compassion, tenderness, etc. because he/she assumes the other is going to deal with it then eventually get over it, which I'm sorry to say is what some people have experienced or currently are experiencing.

If you think about it, we've all played with a light switch as a kid having a grand ole' time repeatedly flickering them from dark to light? In a sense, when you're in a comfortable relationship you put up with or should I say let yourself go through so much crap you know you didn't deserve that your feelings and emotions are played with so much so it leaves you in the darkness of disrespect. Essentially, it can be annoying, tiresome, and utterly frustrating to where women, more so than guys, are absolutely fed up with being treated as if they have the so called power to easily switch off the feelings and emotions you so want to express to them but aren't able to because he either doesn't want to hear them or refuses to hear them.

Let me ask you this question to those who are living the single life, how many of you would hope to be someday in a happy, loving relationship where you share in the future the bright light of true happiness than be in comfortable, loveless relationship where the light burned out months/years ago with the relationship going nowhere? You see, it's a sad state of affairs when guys/girls are so comfortable in a relationship they physically can't find their way out of the dark, in a manner of speaking, to where they are seemingly lost emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually as well. For it sometimes takes either a kick in the buttockal region from a best friend/acquaintance you talk with to finally see the light switch on from in your eyes and in your heart.

In retrospect, the light of love is unlimited and forever illuminated when you're in a happy relationship with a guy/girl who doesn't have any intentions of playing with your heart as if it were a light switch. For some, most or all people they personally know all-too-well the feeling of a relationship that has a broken fuse and what's worse is they were comfortable being in the dark knowing full well they deserved someone much brighter/better than him/her. However, it's good to know your friends, family, and possibly a potential interest are supportive in every way, whereby showing you they will never turn out the lights of betrayal on you. In the end, love is so much more than simply flipping an on and off switch within your heart as it is about working hard in the relationship to be a happy couple than to be just a couple sitting comfortably hardly working at all in the relationship.

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