Sunday, April 21, 2024

Depths of Love

Howard Hall once said, ~Scuba diving is like traveling to another world, a world where the rules are different and everything is more beautiful.~ If you think about it, when it comes to love/true love in regard to a strong, worthwhile relationship it can most definitely be compared to a scuba diver exploring the vast beauty and mysterious wonder of the ocean. For it’s a thought provoking situation indeed knowing there are areas of the ocean that haven’t been explored, which can also be said about the human heart as well. Essentially, when you find yourself “diving” into matters of the heart with a certain guy/girl in question one hopes it’s a wondrously beautiful experience instead of it being deep, dark, and incredibly murky.

Let me ask this question to those who have been scuba diving before, what happens when you dive deeper into the ocean? If you answered feeling the increase in pressure then you’d be correct. In a way, that same pressure can certainly be felt while you’re diving deeper, so to speak, into your own thoughts, feelings, and/or emotions pertaining to a potential scuba diving partner for life. Thinking about it further, the aforementioned pressure you’re feeling within your own heart can be absolutely scary to the point where one reacts in the following two ways: 1.) stay calm and keep yourself in check mentally/emotionally. OR 2.) completely freak out because the pressure was too much to handle.

As I said before, the pressure felt diving deeper into one’s thoughts, feelings and/or emotions is a scary experience because it has the propensity to have a person react by either staying calm or completely freaking out. In a sense, every person has found themselves diving too deep mentally and emotionally, in a manner of speaking, to where fear takes hold causing a frantically, desperate escape from the depths of one’s incredibly dark, murky inner surroundings. However, what they end up doing is getting lost. Why? What it primarily comes down to is how that pressure has the ability to throw our sense of direction off, especially when we find ourselves deep within the dark, watery caverns of our own heart.

For the question can be asked: other than drowning what do you not want to have happen when you’re scuba diving? I think it’s safe to say not wanting to go through the phenomenon that is decompression sickness otherwise known as "the bends". Oftentimes, when you’re mentally/emotionally lost within the dark, watery caverns of your own heart, the instinct in wanting to quickly get out from the inner turmoil to in all intents and purposes reach the surface kicks in. Unfortunately, that’s a mistake because it causes individuals to experience the bends representing fear, anger, hatred, doubt, worry, sadness, frustration, bitterness, disappointment, etc. Sadly, there are a number of divers who are still dealing with the bends pertaining to issues of a painfully bad past relationship.

Someone once said, ~Dive into the deep blue and discover the beauty of the underwater world.~ In retrospect, the ocean and human heart are very similar because the deeper you go the darker it gets, which is a very frightening dichotomy. True, you’ll feel the pressure and maybe even want to freak out because of fearing the absolute unknown. However, it’s totally worth it knowing there are countless unexplored areas and untold treasures that have yet to be discovered as it pertains to true happiness. In the end, if you have that determination to dive down deeper into the depths of love despite the uncertainty, it shows you’re willing to search for something absolutely beautiful that hopefully comes to light in the darkness.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Meet In The Middle

Someone once said, ~Long distance relationships can be stormy…But when an argument begins, sometimes it helps to remember that you and your partner are on the same side. Good relationships are built on talking, listening, and learning to solve problems together. Fight the distance - not each other.~ Without a doubt, there are most definitely challenges being in a long distance relationship as two individuals do their best in keeping the lines of communication open with each other. For it’s a challenging situation indeed in maintaining that type of communication where it can be difficult to share your thoughts, feelings, and/or emotions, especially when the both of you are separated by distance. Yet, it’s certainly manageable if both are determined to overcome the odds by putting in time, effort, and work.

As I said before, there are most definitely challenges being in a long distance relationship as two individuals do their best in keeping the lines of communication open with each other. Thinking about it further, one of those challenges is being able to actively listen to each other thus showing not only a mental, but an emotional presence in each other’s life even though they’re physically miles away. Women, more so than men, are truly appreciative of having that supportive presence because it tells them the guy in question is willing to go the distance, so to speak. Essentially, it’s through actively listening, learning, understanding and providing some much needed feedback in return that’s will possibly be beneficial if unfortunate problems arise like dealing with any unresolved conflicts or insecurities.

If you think about it, when problematic conflicts or insecurities surface in a long distance relationship the following two choices can be made: 1.) open up on what’s been weighing heavily mentally and emotionally. OR 2.) Not say anything at all. Unfortunately, choosing to not say anything at all leads to the mental/emotional struggle that can end up boiling over to the point where the guy/girl explodes by completely lashing out and the possibility of a break up occurs, which shows a lack of maturity on their part. Why? What it primarily comes down to is the failire of not being able to properly handle issues of frustration, anger, worry, fear, jealousy, doubt, etc. that festered for quite some time that remaining silent was chosen rather than opening up to talk things out.

Let me ask this question to those who are in or have been in a long distance relationship, was there any agreement or compromise involving visiting one another? Here’s another question, how did that compromise/agreement work out? Oftentimes, when it comes to a mutually agreed upon two sided compromise that was effortlessly made in the beginning, it can suddenly turn one sided because of unrelenting stubbornness in not wanting to make any effort whatsoever on his/her side, which is sadly disappointing. I think it’s safe to say there are individuals out there who regretted giving in to the demands of someone they believed was closing the distance in becoming a potentially future best friend only to end up actually creating even more distance than ever before.

In retrospect, distance will always be one of the most challenging aspects of a relationship that will be considered a litmus test on whether or not two people are able to effectively communicate with each other when experiencing unfortunate stormy conflicts. It’s those aforementioned stormy conflicts in which there’s a tendency to forget what both individuals are fighting for and that is the hope of eventually living one life together instead of two lives separately. Ultimately, it means having the utmost patience knowing the sacrifices being made will be totally well worth it. In the end, it’s a constant work in progress being in a long distance relationship as two people have to be able to meet in the middle in every sense of the word and hopefully beat the odds to experience the success of true happiness together.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Hit The Wall

Angela Duckworth once said, ~Grit is passion and perseverance for very long term goals. Grit is having stamina. Grit is sticking with your future, day-in, day-out. Not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years. And working really hard to make the future a reality. Grit is living life like it’s a marathon, not a sprint.~ If you think about it, each one of us has the ability to display and channel within ourselves a marathon runner type of grit in regard to achieving our personal and/or professional life goals we’re individually “running” towards, so to speak. Essentially, it's just a matter of staying completely focused, keeping a gradual, steady pace and not overexerting ourselves in the following three ways: mentally, emotionally, as well as physically.

As I said before, each one of us has the ability to display and channel within ourselves a marathon runner type of grit in regard to achieving our personal and/or professional goals we’re individually “running” towards, so to speak. I think it’s safe to say being able to keep a gradual steady pace mentally while “running” towards our intended personal/professional goals is what we all not only strive for, but try to maintain in the beginning. True, it takes a tremendous amount of mental discipline to keep ourselves focused and at the same time avoiding /blocking out any sort of negative distractions. Distractions that will inevitably interrupt the aforementioned gradual steady pace causing us to mentally break our stride we’ve been striving to maintain.

Without a doubt, when the gradual, steady mental pace we’ve been “running” gets interrupted, we can certainly become affected emotionally as we’re trying to reach our intended personal/professional goals we’re most definitely targeting. Fear, doubt, worry, frustration, annoyance, disappointment, etc. are just a number of emotional distractions we try not to feel knowing they can be felt at any given point during the marathon. Thinking about it further, keeping our emotions in check is considered one of the key aspects in being able to show how much of that inner grit we have. Why? You see, if we’re unable to keep ourselves emotionally in check then we’ll find ourselves being thrown off balance thus causing us to lose rather than gain any momentum whatsoever.

Let me ask this question to those who ran a marathon before: what are two qualities that are deemed considerably important in being able to sustain one’s goal in order to get to the quintessential finish line. If you answered stamina and endurance then you’re correct, especially when it comes to the physical aspect of running. In that same context, we should sustain/build up that same stamina and endurance as it pertains to the individual personal/professional marathon we’re all “running” that is considered to be a long, grueling trek indeed. Unfortunately, the instinct to physically push beyond what we’re capable of is an absolute risk and potentially a mistake because of our driving determination in wanting to reach that finish line sooner rather than later, which can work for or against us.

In retrospect, every marathon runner has experienced obstacles such as the painful burning sensation in their muscles. It’s par for course when you’re a marathon runner who is trained to push past/block out the pain. Although the marathon each of us is running is metaphorical, we’re doing our best in pushing past/blocking out the painful obstacles such as the burning sensation in our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, which can be a totally exhausting experience to go through on a seemingly daily basis. Of course, it’s how we adapt to those obstacles that will show how much true grit we have. In the end, to my fellow “marathon runners”, be patient as we’ll reach our respective finish lines in due time and hopefully we don’t hit the wall on our way there.

Sunday, March 03, 2024

Pay It Forward

Someone once said, ~Love your parents. We are so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old.~ Without a doubt, each one of us can most be preoccupied with getting older so much so there is a tendency to forget our parents are doing so as well. For it’s a truly sobering situation indeed knowing there are moments in life where you can’t help but notice changes our parents go through regarding their physical and mental health/well being to the point where it makes an immensely significant impact. Thinking about it further, it’s a type of impact that changes the perception from seeing our parents as superheroes/warriors when we’re younger to suddenly getting that perception flipped within a blink of an eye, especially after they reach a much older stage in life.

As I said before, it’s a truly sobering situation indeed knowing there are moments in life where you can’t help but notice changes our parents go through regarding their physical and mental health/well being to the point where it makes an immensely significant impact. I think it’s safe to say our perception of reality in regard to how each one of us growing up envisioned one’s mother, father, guardian, etc. as pillars of strength who are seemingly indestructible. True, how we viewed them with our own adolescent eyes as kids subsequently changed once we reached a matured grown up stage in our own life that ended up showing a sobering, potentially bittersweet reality. However, despite possibly losing a step it hopefully doesn’t hinder their determination in living their best life.

If you think about it, the perception of our parents being seen with our young adolescent eyes as superheroes/warriors yielding not only tremendous amounts of strength and absolutely indestructible, but have protected us against any dangerous threats throughout our lives too. Of course, being a parent means never really stopping in looking out for the best interests of their offspring no matter how grown up their child/children they become. Unfortunately, the roles are eventually reversed when the child/children stops, looks out for, and protects the parents when there’s a cognitive decline in their physical and mental acuity. Although they’ll always be our superhero/warrior parent(s), that perception gradually fades thus hitting us, so to speak, with the sobering reality that they’re actually mere mortals after all.

Personally speaking, I was hit with the sobering reality last year when it came to a serious medical issue involving my father. Although he’s thankfully doing much better, the seriousness of the situation really woke me up to the fact that the man who I have respected and looked up to for so many years was suddenly down the count. What made the situation even more worrisome was that I never received a call from my mom and I only learned about what happened to him when my sister-in-law texted me. In any case, my father’s health scare would end up leading to a very surreal and serious conversation between the both of us since I’m the oldest child of the family. Hey, as much as I worry about my dad, as well as my mom, I know they’re worrying about me just as much as parents do.

In retrospect, it’s considerably difficult to accept the fact that one day we won’t be able to talk to and spend time with our parents. Sadly, those who have lost a parent know whether through age, cancer, an accident, etc. dealing with their absence can be absolutely painful. Yet, you feel their presence and in some ways know their watching over you while continuing on with your own journey of life. Ultimately, every child wants to reciprocate in some way, shape or form to show how much they loved and cared for their parent or parents. In other words, give back because they have continually supported/sacrificed so much to see each one of us thrive and succeed. In the end, treasure the time and moments you have with your parents because we’re given the opportunity to pay it forward now matter how big or small the gesture of love is towards him/her/them. A song that best reflects this is by James Blunt titled “Monsters”.

Friday, February 16, 2024

A Steady Heart

Let me ask this question, how many of us played the electronic game Operation and were you able to successfully beat the game by taking out every part of the funny anatomy ailments without getting buzzed/shocked and lighting up Cavity Sam’s red nose? In a sense, that same premise to the game somewhat parallels certain aspects of matters of the heart relating to the single life, especially in the dating scene. In other words, both are considered absolutely nerve racking once you make the decision to take part in it. Essentially, for those living the single life we’re all metaphorically using the tweezer of our own thoughts, feelings, as well as emotions in order to try to gradually remove a number of issues while avoiding unfortunate mistakes in hopes of establishing a truly worthwhile relationship.

As I said before, for those living the single life we’re all metaphorically using the tweezer of our own thoughts, feelings, as well as emotions in order to try to gradually remove a number of issues while avoiding any unfortunate mistakes in hopes of establishing a truly worthwhile relationship. For it's seemingly an easy enough situation indeed to help remove/resolve any past relationship issues to finally let go of, but in actuality are deemed considerably difficult. I think it's safe to say every person has been in or is currently in a situation where one is trying to carefully remove painful issues of past heartbreak pertaining to a guy/girl of interest. For the most part, it takes a tremendous amount of patience knowing you don’t want to end up continually making an utterly shocking mistake, so to speak.

If you think about it, there’s a similarity in the funny ailments you’re trying to remove from the body of Cavity Sam to relationship issues being personally mentally, emotionally, and maybe even spiritually removed pertaining to that certain someone special. Although we don’t use actual tweezers, a single person like myself would utilize the most important “tools” at one’s disposal, which is a listening ear, no preconceived judgment, and helpful advice to provide if asked for. Thinking about it further, if those metaphorical tweezers are used/provided with genuine sincerity without any ulterior motives whatsoever then the issues of anger, hatred, doubt, worry, sadness, frustration, bitterness, disappointment, utter contempt, will hopefully be removed not only gradually, but with utmost patience as well.

Without a doubt, the object of the game for Operation is removing the funny anatomy ailments without getting buzzed/shocked and lighting up Cavity Sam’s red nose? Granted, you don’t replace anything after all the pieces are completely removed. However, when it comes to issues of a past relationship embedded within a guy/girl’s heart one hopes to use the tweezers representing their own heart to gradually remove and patiently replace the issues with the following positive key aspects of importance: trust, faith, integrity, honor, respect, honesty, loyalty, understanding, communication, commitment, etc. What it primarily comes down to is being able to light up and experience the quintessential red nose of positivity rather than experiencing the unfortunate red flags that are considered an absolute annoying buzzkill.

In retrospect, even though there’s a timeless, classic quality when it comes to love/true love it should never be treated as a game. True, there is a tremendous amount of fun to be had when you’re able to properly focus on what matters most in a shared relationship instead of selfishly focusing too much on one’s own needs and wants. Sadly, a person ends up metaphorically hearing and feeling a constant buzzing sound because they’re not taking the relationship seriously as if the human heart was actually a kids game that came out in 1965. In the end, when you eventually meet your reason for true happiness he/she enables you to have a steady heart in which you patiently take your time in carefully removing possible past relationship issues while at the same time filling in the empty spaces of his/her heart.

Friday, February 02, 2024

Batteries Not Included

Eric Jerome Dickey once said, ~Like she said, love wasn’t a switch that could be turned off. It was more like a battery, had to run until there was no more energy left.~ Without a doubt, when it comes to matters of the heart in regard to a strong, worthwhile relationship you most definitely want to experience a type of energy a battery provides, but with one major difference. Of course, the major difference is the energy that I’m referring to is long lasting, durable, and reliable rather than unreliable to the point where it’s constantly draining in a mental, as well as emotional way. For it’s truly a thought provoking situation indeed in wanting that right relationship where you’re exchanging and helping energize each other instead of all it being wasted on the wrong ones is considered a rarity these days.

Let me ask you this question, what kind of batteries do you highly recommend and always use that is considered not only the most efficient, but reliably durable as well. Alkaline, Lithium, 9V, Nickel metal hydride, rechargeable, etc. are types of batteries that provide energy that’s hopefully long lasting, reliable, and durable. True, it can be considerably difficult in finding/meeting a battery/heart that is genuinely energy efficient and reliably durable, especially in the dating scene. Essentially, every person living the single life is doing their best in trying to make the right choice pertaining to the proverbial battery energy of someone else’s heart who one hopes doesn't end up draining/wasting all their heart energy on. However, when you actually do find/meet that certain someone you won’t be disappointed.

As I said before, wanting that right relationship in which you’re exchanging and helping energize each other instead of all it being wasted on the wrong ones is considered a rarity these days. Why? Oftentimes, people get into relationships too quickly, whereby leading both individuals draining the energy out of the battery of one another’s thoughts, feelings, and/or emotions. In other words, a toxically draining relationship. Unfortunately, that’s when couples try to salvage the last remaining battery energy of the relationship in order to not face the realization of an impending breaking up rather than holding on to what is clearly dead, so to speak. In a way, it’s like batteries are put in the freezer because it supposedly slows down and conserves the remaining energy left inside, which has been proven totally wrong.

For the questions can be asked: how many of us have ever tested a battery by sticking it to the end of your tongue? Did it get a bit of a shock or felt a tingle afterwards? I think it's safe to say every person wants to always experience that type of shock or feel a tingle in either a kiss or simply holding hands that lets him/her know the spark with one’s forever best friend is still there. However, it’s not just any spark as it’s a representation of important aspects in a relationship such as trust, faith, integrity, honor, respect, honesty, loyalty, understanding, communication, commitment, etc. What it primarily comes down to is being able to lovingly conserve those aforementioned important aspects with rather than not be a drain, so to speak, on that special certain someone you want to continually experience the shocking tingle of true happiness.

In retrospect, the thing about love/true love is the amount of battery energy it takes to maintain a relationship where you’re able to help each other recharge when the both of you find yourself low mentally, emotionally, physically, and even spiritually as well. Thinking about it further, it makes you wonder about all the batteries you’ve replaced in your heart because they were wasted on a past relationship that drained you, in a manner of speaking. Ultimately, some of the best relationships are the ones that create together the individual battery energy that not only powers, but brings to life both their hearts. In the end, for those living the single life that want to put in the energy and experience that unmistakable spark with that guy/girl in question, keep in mind the following three words: batteries not included.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Restore The Balance

Gerald Jampulsky once said, ~Inner peace can be reached only when we practice forgiveness. Forgiveness is letting go of the past, and is therefore the means for correcting our misperceptions.~ If you think about it, one can most definitely feel like you’re unbalanced after not only being wronged but not being given an apology because you know you absolutely deserved it. For it’s an unfortunate situation indeed as it can certainly take its toll mentally and emotionally to the point where there can be unwanted shifts in your thoughts, feelings, and/or emotions. Essentially, you feel like you’re totally off balance that causes not only a seemingly chaotic disruption of one’s inner peace, but leaves anyone absolutely unfocused.

Let me ask this question, do you remember a time where one of your best buds/gal pals did you wrong and instead of apologizing he/she just laughed it off because it was considered funny? I think it’s safe to say we’ve all experienced being slighted by a friend or someone you possibly no longer deem part of your inner circle. Thinking about it further, the cohesive balance that was once there in that friendship with him/her unfortunately became unbalanced so much so there’s a struggle in trying to achieve a sense of inner mental and emotional peace. The question remains, have you dealt with or are you still dealing with wanting an apology with a former best bud/gal pal who you haven’t spoken to in quite some time in hopes of achieving balance again?

As I said before, when you’re struggling to attain inner peace after being slighted and wanting an apology, it has the propensity to take such a tremendous mental and emotional toll, especially if it involves matters of the heart. Oftentimes, the harmoniously tranquil inner peace one seeks in another person’s heart ends up turning into utter heartbreak that may very well be truly unforgivable. Anger, hatred, doubt, worry, sadness, frustration, bitterness, disappointment, utter contempt, etc. have the ability to tip the mental and emotional scales, in a manner of speaking, thus leaving one not able to let go and move on. Why? For the most part, it’s the uncomfortable burden weighing heavily within one’s heart that it can drive anyone absolutely insane.

Without a doubt, it can be considerably difficult at times in finding a happy medium in regards to the place each one of us work at. Of course, we do our best even going above and beyond in hopes of reaching the next level of climbing the ladder of success. Sadly, one’s own blood, sweat, and tears are at times overlooked, whereby leaving you slighted because even though you put in all the time, as well as effort, it resulted in a lack of recognition you’re most deserving of. True, it can be taken as a personal insult to your work ethic and leaves you with an unfortunate negative mindset that not only working hard doesn’t necessarily pay off, but it causes your once positively peaceful thoughts, feelings, and emotions to become incredibly unbalanced as well.

In retrospect, there comes a point where seeking out that apology you feel you deserve from someone is fleeting. You see, once you let go of what has possibly consumed you/obsessed about mentally and emotionally, then the uncomfortably heavy burden that’s been weighing you down will finally be lifted because it wasn’t worth it to be carrying around to begin with. When that happens, you’re able to fully focus on what’s/who’s in front of and potentially ahead of you regarding your future instead of looking behind you at everything you’ve held on to for so long. In the end, sometimes in order to restore the balance of inner peace it’s best to be the bigger person and just forgive the person to bring back a sense of sanity into your life.