Monday, December 30, 2024

More Than 3 Sizes(Last Yodaism of 2024)

Natasha Lunn once said, ~All of us take so much for granted. Life is beautiful and we don’t have time to realize it. We let silly and petty things rule us and lead into criticism. We find fault with life because we are tired and grump, instead of relishing the fact that we are with other people who are healthy, who love us and want to be with us.~ Let me ask this question for those living the single life, have you ever at a certain point in life felt like you’ve gradually become or already turned into Jim Carrey’s version of The Grinch in regard to one’s grumpy and gradually negative outlook on the dating scene? Granted, you may not exactly look like him sporting the green fur but you’re channeling the attitude. Thinking about it further, we’ve all at some point found ourselves not only standing atop and looking down from one’s metaphorical Mt. Crumpit, but ended up jotting down a to do list involving matters of our own heart as well.

Without a doubt, it can oftentimes be an annoying situation indeed in watching, listening, and/or encountering the noise of excessively positive worthwhile relationships to the point where wallowing in self pity within your own heart is on the top of your to do list. In other words, fully embracing the misery of being a grumpy and grouchy grinch towards all things pertaining to true happiness. I think it’s safe to say every person who is single has gone through their fair share of mental and emotional wallowing regarding a number of terribly unfortunate dating experiences to the point where they’ve gone or are going through a pity party conversation of self evaluation/reflection. Essentially, it’s a type of pity party previously mentioned that’s heavily focused on dumping all the constant negativity of one’s pain and heartbreak that inevitably leads to #2 on your to-do list, which is staring into the abyss.

If you think about it, the funny scene where Jim Carrey’s Grinch yells out into the void of his cave and his echo either responded back or not all is seemingly a perfect comparison of staring/yelling into the void/abyss located within the cave representing your heart. Of course, it’s funny to think about because it’s a Jim Carrey movie based on fun and fantasy created by Theodor Suess Geisel who is otherwise known as Dr. Suess. However, in reality it can most definitely feel like all the yelling you did or have been doing into the gloomy cave/void/abyss of your heart was absolutely pointless. As much as you desperately wanted your concerns pertaining to one’s unanswered relationship questions answered/echoed back to you were unfortunately met with utter silence. You see, it’s something within the utter silence you don’t want to find yourself encountering and if you do you’ve reached #3 of one’s to-do list.

For the question can be asked: how many of you, after suffering through some bad dating experiences, talked to yourself to the point where you were wrestling with self loathing, so to speak? Anger, fear, hatred, jealousy, spit, paranoia, envy, disgust, shame, dread, panic, anxiety, doubt, worry, insecurity, sadness, frustration, bitterness, disappointment, utter contempt, etc. True, it can certainly be a struggle for anyone who constantly wrestled with negative thoughts/feelings/emotions and fought a hard battle to not permanently be taken down mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically to the mat, in a manner of speaking. What it primarily comes down to is having your own version of Max and/or Cindy Lou Who, representing your best buds/gal pals, who you can always rely on knowing they’ll be there for you whenever you need a shoulder to cry on or just someone to vent/talk to.

In retrospect, we all know how the live action/animated movies turned out with The Grinch saving Christmas and his heart growing 3 sizes. As said before, for those living the single life on and standing atop one’s metaphorical Mt. Crumpit, one’s grumpy and grinchy-like outlook towards being in a strong, worthwhile relationship may one day change because someone or something changed/saved your overall perspective, which you hadn’t felt/thought about before. Granted, it may cause you to be puzzled in such a mental and emotional way at first until your puzzler gets painfully sore. Ultimately, take your time in getting a handle on figuring “it” out, then you’ll eventually know what love/true love is finally all about. In the end, when that moment happens you want to play it smart and when you allow it to let it flow smoothly between one another it will genuinely grow more than 3 sizes so much so it truly becomes a gift for your heart.

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