Someone once said, ~Love is like a hurricane. There is no stopping it. You can't control when or where it hits. It comes and stirs up your whole life. Then it's so beautiful that you can't get enough of it. Then it starts getting rocky again. Afterwards, it leaves your whole world in pieces. It's how you rebuild your world that brings that "perfect storm". Without a doubt, just like a hurricane the force of nature known as love can most definitely wreak havoc on people's lives to the point where it ends up leaving a path of destruction in its wake. Yet, the path of destruction, in a manner of speaking, may either be something so absolutely beautiful you're at a loss for words or a completely horrific nightmare to where you're left speechless for an entirely different reason.
Let me ask you this question to those who have been through a hurricane or several for that matter, what do you do to prepare for the approaching storm? If your answer is putting up a protective wooden barrier around your house then you would be correct. In a sense, that's how it is when the destructive hurricane force of possible true happiness approaches a protective wall/barrier that is metaphorically built/put up around your heart to keep the proverbial flood of thoughts/feeling/emotions from damaging/destroying all you hold truly valuable within. Hey, it can certainly be a tough situation indeed to try to mentally and emotionally hold back what can at times be immensely overpowering; unless you have experienced it so many times over in the past so much so you've grown into an incredibly strong person in every sense of the word.
If you think about it, with every hurricane there are always an eye of the storm in which you'll find yourself in a momentary state of calm until the chaos resumes once again. I think I can safely say each one of us have been or are currently in the momentary calming eye of their own personal hurricane in regards to a potential relationship. Essentially, you're able to take a step back from within yourself as the stormy winds/rain of your own thoughts/feelings/emotions briefly stopped swirling or should I say thrashing around your mind, as well as heart. For it primarily gives you, along with your best buds/gal pals by your side, the opportunity to in all intensive purposes assess the damage, if any, it has caused you. Let me tell you something, you receive much better clarity concerning yourself once the utter whirlwind of chaos that is over analyzing/thinking settles down whereby you're given 3 options: run, hunker down within yourself, or move forward facing it head on.
Isaiah 25:4 says, ~For thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heart, when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall.~ Thinking about it, don't rely on yourself to get through the difficulties of the hurricane of all that is weighing/burdening your mind and heart because you'll end up driving yourself absolutely insane. For the most part, you can constantly ask the same questions over and over before realizing you're at a dead end. In that moment, give the questions to God involving matters of the heart for they will be answered in His time and while you wait for them to come to fruition open the word of the Lord. What it comes down to is deeply meditating in the Lamb's Book of Life all the while fervently praying to Him to safely spiritually guide you through the chaotic madness.
In retrospect, we've all heard or have been told to hope for the best but prepare for the worst and it pertains to the hurricane such as love. It's a sad state of affairs for those individuals who have the mindset of being 100% prepared if they do find themselves falling in love and nothing worse could ever go wrong. True, they may quite possibly be fully prepared but what they end up not knowing is how massive it is thinking it's going to be just a tropical storm/category 1 type conditions but it's really a category 5 monster. In other words, never underestimate its power or you'll find yourself suddenly sucked up without anything to grab on to and before you know it your heart winds up needing National Guard/Red Cross assistance. In the end, I say to those who are at/in the heart of the storm when it comes to a potential or even significant relationship I hope the worst is over for you as you finally experience some much needed peace.
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