Monday, January 09, 2012

Masterpiece(1st Yodaism of 2012)

Shannon Meirers once said, ~Love is like an Etch-A-Sketch. It takes a lot of skill and patience to create something beautiful, and even one little mistake can ruin the whole picture.~ In some aspect, love is certainly like an Etch-A-Sketch and for many of us who owned one as a kid back in the day knows how something that is seemingly fun for all ages can at the same time be an absolute headache. For it truly takes matters of skill, time, and patience to create what you've imagined for quite some time to be totally worthwhile. Thinking about it, when it comes to love in regards to a person's heart you can most definitely find yourself trying to navigate the proverbial white knobs of one's own feelings and emotions in order to create a beautiful picture of true happiness.

As said before, love in regards to a person's heart can have one trying to navigate the proverbial white knobs of their own feelings and emotions like that of an Etch-A-Sketch. I think it would be fair to say we've all tried to create a picture from our imagination but the end result didn't turn out quite as planned. Why? It may seem as an easy enough situation indeed to turn the white knobs of our feelings and emotions in the direction we want it to go but when it involves matters of the heart it becomes considerably difficult to undertake. Hey, we've all been there as we tried to figure out in the past or currently figuring out now what turns to make within our heart to the point where it has taken/is taking a toll on each one of us mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally.

Without a doubt, mishaps such as being bumped can occur when you play with an Etch-A-Sketch causing you the unfortunate task of starting over. How? We simply shook it, whereby getting a brand new slate to work with. How did you feel when it happened? In a sense, the same can be said for one's heart as well as the bumps of drama can ruin the whole picture leading to utter heartbreak leaving you feeling disappointed, discouraged, angry, frustrated, etc. However, even though you can shake clean an Etch-A-Sketch to start over and undo what is done you can't with your heart. Unfortunately, it's not as simple as that because no matter how hard you try to shake away, in a manner of speaking, memories/feelings of the past small remnants can still be seen/felt/linger in your heart.

Let me ask you this question to those who are in a significant relationship, how many mistakes have both you made in the process of etching out together a beautiful picture? Hey, mistakes will inevitably be made and it's just a matter of being able to use the skills the two of you have been able to learn from each other over time at your disposal. Essentially, the one big mistake someone makes in a relationship is trying to fix a problem alone and if you think about it that is how we did it as kids when someone tried to help us fix a problem when drawing a picture on the Etch-A-Sketch. What it comes down to is being able to have the humility to ask for or let your best friend for life help as you both work hard together in making the necessary corrections of what is deemed something special, absolutely spectacular.

Someone said, ~An Etch-A-Sketch and love go hand in hand.. Think about it. Just as you get it figured out, someone comes by and shakes the darn thing up and makes you figure it out all over again.~ In retrospect, when it comes to the Etch-A-Sketch that is the human heart we're always going to find ourselves shaking it because of the difficulties one faces in that thing called love. Yet, when we meet that certain special someone who you can put your trust, hope, faith, commitment, understanding, etc. in to help create a picture perfect relationship knowing you'll make a few mistakes along the way is a dream come true for everone including myself. In the end, it's the mistakes learned in a significant relationship that help create a strong bond and it may not be perfect by any means but it's a masterpiece worthy enough to display.

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