Monday, September 03, 2007

Flying Without Wings

Leonardo De Vinci once said, ~...and once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you long return.~ If you think about it, falling in love is similar to skydiving as you take the ultimate risk and jump out of your comfort zone into the wide open unknown knowing that those around you are thinking or saying to your face you're absolutely insane. Yet, you take the risk anyway knowing full well the possible consequences you may suffer such as a broken heart or a metaphorical death because the impact of that person's rejection left you without a working parachute, in a manner of speaking. Without a doubt, nothing can ever truly prepare you for what you are going to mentally, emotionally, and personally experience as you decide to take that leap of faith, which is the best decision you'll ever make in your life.

Let me ask you this question, how many of you have ever been skydiving before and can you give a clear explanation of what you were going through mentally? Thinking about it, it's hard to put into words the thoughts that run through your mind while experiencing such an intense adrenaline rush and trust me when I say you really don't have time to think when you're freefalling at least 125 miles per hour with the wind pushing at your face. In a sense, that is how falling in love is as your first initial thought is what in the world am I doing up here, but once you close your eyes, pray to God that he will keep you safe from harm all-the-while put your entire trust in him, then take a deep breathe and you basically go for it with all your heart without letting your head stop you because of the possible things that you've imagine going wrong.

Essentially, when it comes to skydiving the easiest part is sitting in the plane as it's considered your comfort zone and yet in order to experience the thrill of a lifetime you have to go through the open door that has you inevitably stepping out of it, which is very scary indeed. Metaphorically speaking, the door to the plane represents the door to our own heart as each of us emotionally step through from where we feel safe, let go of the feelings we hold a tight grip on to that tend to scare us, and simply take the plunge whereby leaving us most definitely vulnerable to being hurt. You see, by opening the emotional door within our own heart and making the decision to step completely through it you begin to sense the hard hitting reality of it all because once you move forward you can never go back as you reach the point of no return.

For the question can be asked to those who skydived, what did it personally mean to you to accomplish something that scared the shiznit out of other people who refuse to do it? It would be safe to say for those who took the risk they probably felt a sense of unwavering pride for doing something so mind boggling scary that family, friends, and that special someone gave them props, as well as, respect for having the cojones to jump whereby leaving them without any regrets whatsoever. Let me tell you something, how many people can truly say that when it comes to falling in love they felt a sense of pride for at least taking the biggest risk of all with their heart to the point where if the jump, so to speak, was successful they continue to experience a pure adrenaline rush that is felt to this day with their tandem skydiving partner for life.

In retrospect, falling in love is one of the most scariest things you will ever experience and at the same time its the most rewarding. Oftentimes, looking into the face of what you're most afraid of gives you the opportunity to squash some, most, or all the fears you have to where it becomes fun. What it comes down to is not focusing on the aspect of how love can hurt you, but instead focusing on the aspects of how love can make you very happy that count the most and when you do that your surroundings seem a lot more peaceful. In the end, to those of you who have found someone special who you would risk going to the extreme for I say: May your feet never touch the ground, always feel/share the adrenaline rush of love with each other, and hope that both of you continue to have that feeling as if you're flying without wings, which is a song by Westlife that tends to reflect this thought.

1 comment:

Coco said...

feels good to get back and read your stuff again, Dante. Thanks.