Saturday, September 16, 2006

Too Little, Too Late

Henry Ward Beecher once said, ~I can forgive, but I cannot forget, is only another way of saying, I will not forgive. Forgiveness ought to be like a canceled note-torn in two, and burned up, so that it never can be shown against one.~ I'm sorry. Its two words both men and women say to each other either in a potential and/or significant relationship. Oftentimes, men say it more than women because to be quite honest we say or do something absolutely stupid seemingly every day and apologizing is the only alternative than having an argument. Anyways, when it comes to significant relationships that have encountered times of unfaithfulness, asking or pleading for forgiveness is something that can be either taken seriously or as a joke.

Let me ask you this question, have you experienced the pangs of not only being cheated on but also the post apologies that came afterwards? Without a doubt, finding out that your significant other has been unfaithful can leave you feeling absolutely betrayed as the trust placed in his or her hands is broken. Of the many mixed emotions one experiences during one's unfortunate crisis, anger tends to be the driving force that fuels the hatred you have within your heart for him or her. Whether or not the hatred you felt was temporary or permanent really depends on not only the particular situation, but also the person as well who spoke from the heart or spoke from his or her buttockal region.

As said previously, men oftentimes do the most apologizing to get back into the good graces of their wife or girlfriend when they're caught cheating. Sometimes the apologies given are genuine and sincere to the point a reconciliation is established, but the trust that was once there in the beginning has to be earned all over again. However, it's a sad situation indeed for a woman when guys, who have repeatedly been unfaithful, give apologies that sound genuinely real, sincere, as well as, heartfelt; but in fact are fake, shallow, and totally meaningless. I apologize ahead of time for saying this, but there are women out there who are gullible as they're not able to truly see these guys for who and what they really are, which are complete losers.

If you think about it though, it's not just men who tend to apologize for being unfaithful, it's women as well when it involves a boyfriend or husband. For it’s that same trust that women have for a guy also applies for men also as they put one's trust in the hands of women, who can most definitely toy with their feelings and emotions. Yet, it's good to know that not all women treat or have treated their man as if he was like a ball of yarn swatting it around for their own pleasure. As a guy, it's disappointing to see a friend or best friend for that matter be so gullible as to accept an apology from a woman who has constantly done him wrong to where you wonder if he has any backbone or the cojones to break up with her for his own good.

Someone once said, ~Forgiveness does not always lead to a healed relationship. Some people are not capable of love, and it might be wise to let them go along with your anger. With them well, and let them go their way.~ In retrospect, the words I'm sorry can be said so many times by a guy or girl who tries to weasel their way back into someone's life that it inevitably becomes two words that aren't believable anymore. For the respect that he or she had for you is no longer there as you gave him or her plenty of chances to change, but didn't. In the end, there comes a point where you're absolutely fed up with being disrespected that when he or she asks you for one more chance to be forgiven, you say it's just too little too late and it's a song by Jojo that best reflects this thought.

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