Saturday, July 29, 2006

Bring Me To Life

Someone once said, ~Of all the forces that make for a better world, none is so indispensable, noe so powerful, as hope. Without hope people are only half alive.~ In some aspect, there is within hope a pulse that keeps a strong and steady beat, which gives a person assurance the one will someday find/meet true love. When it comes to true love, hope is the one solid thing you tend to hold on to as it gives you a reason to keep on fighting to live, so to speak. Yet, there comes a point where the hope that pulsates with your own heart starts to slowly fade and you're inevitably left hanging on by only a single thread. Let me ask you this question, how strong is the hope you have pulsating within your veins and can you feel it?

For the most part, the hope you have pulsating within you're veins when it pertains to true love can start out faint to where it eventually grows stronger as you pontentially meet someone new. For it can truly be felt as one's palms become sweaty, nervousness sets in, and one's pulse goes absolutely haywire, in a manner of speaking, to the point of suffering a heart attack, which of course is a good thing in this particular situation. However, experiencing the absence of meeting that special someone or facing constant disappointment for that matter can put one's pulse from somewhat faint, to strong, to nearly unreadable to where you don't know whether or not you're dead or alive?

As said in the beginning quote, without hope people are only half alive and when you add the absence of true love you feel like you're dying or dead inside. One can have that cold, empty feeling not only in your heart but also in your soul as well. Its within one's self imposed tomb you, in a sense, feel as if you're wandering/sailing around in you're very own sea of dark emotions somewhat like the River Styx from Greek mythology where the souls of the dead are transported across to the underworld. Whether or not you pay a toll, which is one obol(coin), to the cloaked skeletal ferryman Charon would primarily be best left up to your own interpretation of this particular thought.

In any case, without hope people are not just half alive but their also half themselves. If you think about it, you don't have a real identity as you struggle to keep from ceasing to exist all the while trying to find the one who truly completes you in every way. Oftentimes, a person can lose one's self as the hope he or she holds on to can essentially strip away the remaining idenity you have left to where its competely destroys you and leaves you just a mere shell of your former self. Without a doubt, hope can be considered our greatest ally that keeps one's pulse beating but unfortunately its that same hope that is also considered to be our greatest enemy as it can slow kill you mentally bit by bit.

In retrospect, a person can put so much faith on hoping true love will come one's way that one risks killing it completely and the stress that you can put yourself through heart can cause it to die off in a slow, painful death. Its a sad situation indeed when one tries to resuscitate hope that is metaphorically dying to the point of either shocking it with a defibulator or putting it on life support, which is just plain foolish. Its that proverbial fool's hope, which if one monitors it with an echocardiograph, shows its pulse slipping away to the point of flatlining. In the end, its on your so called death bed that you pray for miracle to walk through the door as find yourself screaming out loud these words bring me to life, which is a song by the band Evanescance.

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