Saturday, June 01, 2024


Karen Salmansohn once said, ~Anxiety happens when you think you have to figure out everything all at once. Breathe. You’re strong. You got this. Take it day by day.~ Let me ask you this question to those who have experienced or constantly suffering from anxiety, how are you able to deal with it knowing how debilitating it can be to the point where it not only holds people back, but is able to to quite literally bring them down to their knees. For it’s an interesting and not to mention thought provoking situation indeed on what ends up causing/triggering one’s anxiety or an anxiety attack for that matter, which can most definitely turn a seemingly minor problem running through your head into something much much bigger.

As I said before, it’s an interesting and not to mention thought provoking situation indeed on what ends up causing/triggering one’s anxiety or an anxiety attack for that matter, which can most definitely turn a seemingly minor problem running through your head into something much much bigger. I think it's safe to say we all agree calling someone and talking to any individual is considered to be an anxiety inducing experience, especially when it involves matters of the heart. Thinking about it further, we can be driven crazy by one’s own anxiety and it can certainly get the better of us as it works into overdrive, so to speak, imagining potentially disastrous outcomes concerning a guy/girl of interest thus driving us to the brink of insanity.

Without a doubt, calling a place of business like a CVS pharmacy or a doctor’s office will have you going through stress related anxiety. Why? For the most part, it’s the pressure being put on ourselves to correctly articulate and provide the right information to where we actually reheard what we want coveted to the representative on the other end of the line. Personally speaking, I’ve done this so many times before as it pertained to simple tasks such as either refilling/updating prescription medicine or making a doctor’s appointment to check your left eye. Let me tell you something, the sweet relief in successfully accomplishing those aforementioned tasks has left me mentally, as well as emotionally drained/exhausted.

For the question can be asked: when I say the words “public speaking” how do you honestly feel or react after hearing those two particular words? Did your palms suddenly sweat? Pulse start racing? Heart beating faster? Muscles tighten and tense? Nauseous? Any rapid breathing? Have an instant flashback about speaking in front of class for a project in school or college? What about the time as young kids we were picked to read and the anxiety it caused knowing it was leading up to your turn? Of course, public speaking has the propensity to not just bring up bad memories, but instantly cause a tremendous amount of anxiety for people like myself who dread speaking in front of people where you’re an adult or kid.

Amit Ray said, ~If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.~ In retrospect, our own thoughts can be our worst enemy in regard to going through moments of life facing off against what can’t be controlled in the future. Essentially, we just have to do our best and live in the moment when each one of us arrives in that time of the future without any fear whatsoever on our part. Granted, the experience may totally be the complete opposite of what was built up in your head way back when. In the end, when you find yourself feeling the dark disturbance of anxiety about to take hold all you have to do is just to take a step back, breathe, focus on what you can control instead of what you’re unable to.

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