Tuesday, July 02, 2019

6 Sided Heart

Brian Cramer once said, ~Love is like a Rubik's Cube, there are countless numbers of wrong twists and turns, but when you get it right it looks perfect no matter what way you look at it.~ If you think about it, a person's heart is likened to a Rubik's cube because although it may be considered easy to solve it is in fact absolutely complicated. For it can most definitely be a frustrating situation indeed in trying to match up, in a manner of speaking, the seemingly colorful aspects of matters of the heart in regards to a relationship with a certain guy/girl in question. Essentially, you'll endure a plethora of mixed emotions during it and in the process there can certainly be a tremendous amount of back-forth twisting and turning in hopes of being able to experience a gratifyingly victorious satisfaction instead of an irritatingly, confusion of defeat.

Without a doubt, when it comes to the Rubik's cube that is the human heart it's best to assess all sides beforehand instead of primarily paying attention to one side. Why? The reason is by doing that one will be able to get an overall view of the directions and not to mention the possible number of turns, as well as twists it's going to take to match not just one side, but all the other 5 sides as well. In other words, taking the time and patience to personally, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually assess that certain special someone's heart before attempting to even solve it. This goes both ways in a relationship, especially in the dating scene. Unfortunately, there are those who quit too early and fail miserably whereas others stuck with it to the point where he/she finally experiences completing the hardest puzzle to ever solve.

As I said before, there are those who quit too early and fail miserably whereas others stuck with it because of experiencing the unfortunate twists and turns/turns of utter heartbreak. Anger, doubt, fear, frustration, disappointment, contempt, bitterness, hopelessness, etc. are a representation of the individual squares that don't have any color. You see, its the lack of color not matching up in which you end up somehow in the same spot with every twist and turn made in every direction imaginable in trying to get back the feeling of absolute true happiness. Of course this potentially leads to the manipulation of the heart by one's own hand or by that particular guy/girl. Thinking about it further, it's such an irritating annoyance it will gradually push any person to the brink of sanity to where you want to throw your heart away in a literal and metaphorical sense.

Let me ask you this question to those who have ever completed a Rubik's cube, what's your overall feeling when you were finally able to solve it? I think it fair to say that for a number of people the experience of matching every side of a Rubik's cube without any use cheating by manipulation or whatever the case may be leaves a person with a temporary joyous accomplishment after being determined and focused to stay with it instead completely giving up on it altogether. Of course, it pales in comparison in being able to match up permanently with most and/or all 6 sides of the heart aspect relationship, which is considered an absolute rarity these days. What it primarily comes down to is working on figuring out the confusingly difficult Rubik's cube or your own heart first and then when you're ready take on the challenging task of wanting to figure out someone else's heart you're genuinely interested in.

In retrospect, the challenge that is the Rubik's cube of the heart will have any individual deal with an unknown amount of combinations that will have you twisting and turning in every sense of the word. Both inwardly and outwardly. True, obstacles will be faced to where you'll be so close in matching up the solid colors representing faith, trust, honesty, hope, respect, honor, intimacy, understanding, communication, commitment, etc. you'll find yourself making mistakes. Unfortunately, it's those mistakes that will cause you to constantly lose focus to where it increasingly gets harder to solve to where you'll just want to put it down and walk away completely. However, don't ever give up because when you're finally able to see which direction you're going all-the while slowly becoming far more excited about the twist/turns involving your potential future best friend then in the end my friend you'll easily solve your own 6 sided heart.

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