Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Lead By Example

Tim Foley once said, ~The most important role models in people's lives, it seems, aren't superstars or household names. They're everyday people who quietly set examples for you - coaches, teachers, parents. People about who you say to yourself perhaps not even consciously, 'I want to be like that."~ Let me ask you this question, when it comes to having role models who did you look up to when you were growing up as a kid and now as an adult? For it's rare these days to have role models who don't end up constantly letting you down but they're out there. I think many would agree that by having a positive role model in your life whether it be male or female can help you not only grow and gain perspective about yourself, but also the world around you.

Without a doubt, each of us is given the choice to choose who we not only want to look up and admire, but also aspire to be. Thinking about it, the decisions we make in the way we act, think, see, speak, and/ or dress are oftentimes instilled in us by our parental units, mainly fathers who can most definitely be a positive influence as we're provided with sage wisdom that is truly beneficial for us. For it's a tough situation indeed for any single mom out there who hopes to one day meet a guy who will be able to be that strong positive male role model in their child's life, especially if he she has a son or sons. Let me tell you something, there are many young men out there who are sorely lacking the positive male presence in their lives and yet for some guys they've turned out okay without one.

As said before, the most important role models aren't superstars or household names because a true role model has the ability to make you want to become a better person and not the other way around. Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton, Tiger Woods, Mel Gibson, Jesse James, etc. are just handful of people who you wouldn't want to necessarily look up to as they have certainly gotten themselves into trouble to the point where they served time in jail or suffered public scrutiny and yet you're able to learn what not to do by the mistakes they have made. Hey, in their own right Tiger Woods and Jesse James are great at what they do in their respective fields to where you want to learn from them but you wouldn't want to go to them for advice on how to have a successful, happy marriage.

If you think about it, there are people out there who don't even know they are role models and it makes you proud to know they are making a difference. Elmer Writman may not be a well known name but he is considered a role model to the many kids in his neighborhood. Elmer would take long walks and would always be accompanied by kids who simply enjoyed him talking about world events, chemistry, and the importance of staying active. He taught countless kids in his neighborhood that not only thoughts and opinions mattered, but he also taught them to think more broadly and treat each other with dignity, as well as respect. For the question can be asked, do you know a person like this living in your neighborhood?

In retrospect, when it comes to role models they have to be the type of person who is able to affect us in a way that helps us realize how fortunate we are to have him/her/them in our lives. In addition to that they teach you the value of respect, integrity, honor, kindness, morals, honesty, and true friendship. It's a person or persons who has helped or continues to help shape, challenge, support, and encourage you when you need it the most. As scary as it is, each of us are role models causing us to be careful at what we say or do especially around young kids because they are very impressionable and can be easily influenced. In the end, a great role model is someone who tries his/her best to lead by example and even though mistakes are made he/she does their best to fix them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

^..^ Wolfpack