Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Where Are You(1st Yodaism of 2010)

Someone once said, ~Ask questions from your heart and you will be answered from the heart.~ Without a doubt, a person can have so many questions when it pertains to the who, what, when, where, why and sometimes how of their own heart. Yet, it's not so much the questions but the answers you try at best to wait patiently for, which is considered a difficult task. You see, its those unanswered questions that can become a source of utter disappointment causing one to be absolutely frustrated as you find yourself continually asking the right questions but unfortunately getting the wrong answers or not answers at all. For those who are living the single life, it can be a tough situation indeed to feel as if true happiness may never be answered for themselves, whereby leaving a permanent rather than temporary question mark within their heart.

If you think about it, when it comes to love/true love one of the questions that is frequently asked is who am I going to spend the rest of my life with? For its the question of who in which a many number of people have asked or are still asking in regards to their quintessential guy/girl of mystery. Who will this person be to have you experience endless amounts of happiness and joy instead of experiencing endless amounts of sorrow and pain? Who will this person be that will have you never doubt myself as a person leaving my self esteem in shambles? Who will this person be to show you how much of an incredible individual you truly are in his/her eyes? Who will this person be to put my entire trust in and having faith he/she will never break it? Who will this person be that the commitment he/she has for you will be strong and everlasting?

Oftentimes, the question of what tends to be asked when it involves the more detailed aspects concerning matters of the heart. A woman, more so than a guy, thinks at length on the question of what pertaining to the guy they hope to meet or possibly have met. What is his name? What will he look like? What qualities/attributes can he show her that tells her he is not a guy who is immature and needs to grow up but rather a guy who is mature and is continuing to grow? What makes him different from all the others she's met or were in a relationship with in the past? What is his family like and does he have a relationship with them or lack thereof? What are his sense of values and morals or does he even have any? What kind of emotional security will he be able to provide her when she's feeling down in the dumps. What type of husband/father will he be?

Let me ask you this question to those who are living the single life, how many of you are wanting to know the question of when will you finally be happy in love? Thinking about it, it can be exciting to want to know the answer to the question of when love will happen for you but at the same time it can be mentally exhausting. When is my time to be truly happy going to happen? When can I be able to breathe easier knowing all the drama of a past/current relationship is no longer weighing down on me? When can I have a permanent smile on my face instead of finding myself in tears? When can I be surprised by acts of stupidity that are honestly genuine rather than the constant stupid acts of infidelity that tend be not at all surprising? When am I going to meet the right guy/girl instead of meeting the wrong ones?

In retrospect, there comes a point while pondering the questions of the heart your left wondering how long you can keep asking them until you've reached the point of possibly going completely insane. Personally speaking, I've enjoyed asking the challenging questions and hopefully they will be answered in the form of a special lady whoever she may be. In any case, its nice to know that while asking the seemingly tough questions on your own you have your best buds/gal pals there by your side to try to at least provide the helpful answers knowing they care about/love you and don't want to see you giving up. In the end, love/true love has been answered for some as they say to that certain someone with a smile on their face there you are but for others they still have question about that certain someone out there one of them being where are you, which is a song that tends to reflect this thought by Justin Roman feat. Soluna.

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