Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Watch Your Step

Jonathan Carroll once said, ~You have to walk carefully in the beginning of love; the running across fields into you lover's arms comes only later when you're sure they won't laugh at you trip.~ As said before, you most definitely have to walk carefully in the beginning of love because a person overstep boundaries leaving one not only embarrassed, but considerably apologetic as well. Whether it's your words both spoken and unspoken or your actions the slightest mistake can inevitably stop you in your tracks towards experiencing true happiness. For its in the beginning of love in which personal space should exist in order to show that when it comes to matters of the heart you're willing to walk a slow, steady pace instead of rushing into things whereby stepping on his/her toes, so to speak, causing that person to "limp" in the relationship.

Without a doubt, walking at a slow, steady pace in the beginning of love initially helps in the process of a growing relationship. Every person has heard the saying that roughly goes: to know a person you must walk a mile in their shoes. In somewhat the same context, to truly get to know that special someone you must for all intents and purposes walk a mile in their heart. You see, being able to know someone on a more emotional level all-the-while giving him/her that much needed personal space to eventually be comfortable enough to share of his/her own free will special and/or difficult events/situations/moments of the past he/she doesn't normally share with anyone else without feeling as if they're being pressured into doing so. which is something that I dare say every woman wants to experience for themselves.

Oftentimes, there are people out there who aren't the type who walk carefully in the beginning of love as they are the type who steps up getting all up in your personal space. Thinking about it, you have to be a little creeped out when guys, as well as girls get a bit overzealous to say the least by doing certain things that are unorthodox such as talking about marriage, kids, planning each other's entire life way too early in the relationship. You see, there’s a fine line that every person walks when it pertains to what topics should and shouldn't be said in the beginning of what could be love to the point where if that line is crossed you end up looking like you're completely out of your mind. Hey, if you know someone or are in fact someone like this all I got to say to you is take a step back because the more you step on his/her toes the likelihood you'll end up with a foot up your arse.

Let me ask you this question ladies, would you rather have a guy walk carefully with you in the early stages of love or run with you full speed ahead throwing caution out the window, in a manner of speaking? If you think about it, it touches any woman when a guy is able to walk softly in her heart as he gets to know her before the physical aspect of the relationship happens leading to a much stronger relationship. Yet, its a sad situation indeed when the adrenaline rush a woman felt as she ran alongside a guy who had given her that thrilling excitement within her heart is gone because the physical aspect of the relationship became the primary incentive to run. Let me tell you something, I've read emails/listenedto/talked to a number of women who have taken the long walk of shame within their own heart and if done all over again they would have rather walked carefully than ran.

In retrospect, to walk carefully in the beginning of love is a venture that takes a lot of hard work, time and patience, especially with someone you care about with all your heart. For the question can be asked, how many of you have royally messed up in the past to the point where he/she walked out on you and you vowed to yourself to not make the same mistakes you did in the last relationship? It would be fair to guess it's difficult to do, but you persevered as it indeed took hard work, time and patience on your part because he's/she's absolutely worth walking a thousand miles for. However, you can't be too careful in love or you'll end up, in a sense, tripping over your own heart, which is what many have done a time or two or three. In the end, to those in the beginning stage of love I say to you, learn from your mistakes and watch your step because the times you do trip/fall can be a doozy.

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