Saturday, June 07, 2008

No Doubt

Pierre Obelard once said, ~The beginning of wisdom is found in doubting, by doubting we come to question, and by seeking we may come upon the truth.~ As a guy you can oftentimes place doubt on yourself leading to question whether or not one can live to certain expectations, especially when it involves matters of the heart. I think I can safely say that every guy has been in a situation where we've actually doubted or currently doubting the qualities/attributes considered to be endearing to the point of wondering is it simply enough or is there more you can possibly do to stand out in order to have yourself be seen by the female species. Thinking about it though, during times of doubt you can most definitely find yourself learning a lot more than you ever bargained for.

Without a doubt, guys like myself tend to second guess ourselves so many times over as to what we can possibly offer to the opposite sex to where there is a gradual turn into a sarcastic cynic after experiencing times of frustration. For its truly difficult to keep a positive outlook when disappointment, heartache, and rejection cause us to constantly re-evaluate the qualities/attributes that tend to take hit/brutal beating, so to speak, leading us to not only be broken down, but to also to question as to what the true measure of a man is. Is it measured by height, how strong he is, how hot of a muscular body you have, and/or how stunningly good looking you are? In my opinion, the true measure of man is found in the strength and resiliency of his heart that is able to keep on beating through times of hurt.

If you think about it, the qualities/attributes that many women look for in a guy can be considered a catch 22 causing us to be very doubtful. Why? Women, for the most part, want a funny, caring, kind, sensitive, honest, smart, nice guy who won't take advantage of her when she's in an absolutely vulnerable place and yet it's those same qualities/attributes that can essentially be found in a male gay friend. As absurd as that may sound, guys come to a point where we freak out at the possibility of just being seen as the quintessential great friend/good listener, which myself and probably many other guys have possibly experienced many times before. You see, as much as a guy hates to hear those 4 words being uttered by a woman, you accept the responsibility because you can't ever change who you are.

Personally speaking, questions have been raised from my peers concerning a certain female I mentioned in a past Yodaisms in which I've been advised to go for it because in their own words life is too short to not be able to seize the opportunity life hands you. My response back to them is that I've seized the opportunity many times and it has ended up not working out too well. When it comes to the particular female in question I highly doubt there is even the slightest bit of interest on her part in me even though they've supposedly pointed out certain things to dissuade my thinking. As I said before I like her and because I like her I'm not going to make an impulsive mistake that turns into a regret and whether you agree or disagree with the decision it's mine alone that matters not yours.

In retrospect, when you're a guy, doubt will always come into play when it comes to matters of the heart because the sarcastic cynic within you can't help being overly pessimistic. It's a scary situation indeed to not know what the future holds when it pertains to your own happiness and there comes a point where you wonder how long can a person hold on to hope before you end up letting it completely go. What it comes down to is a matter of patience as you pray to God for guidance and have faith in Him to do his work because after all its all in his timing. In the end, there is no doubt that my prayers will be answered as I meet a woman who is able to see the true measure of man by looking in the one place that counts and that is in my heart, but to have it happen any time soon...I doubt it.

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