Monday, March 27, 2006

Girl Power

Jeffery Bernard once said, ~Women should have labels on their foreheads that say, 'Government Health Warning: Women can seriously damage your brain, genitals...and good standing among your friends.'~ Without a doubt, women are considered the most beautiful creatures on the face of the plant and yet can also be considered the most dangerous force to be reckoned with, which many a man out there have experienced firsthand. As a guy, you have to always proceed with caution when approaching a woman or even a group of women because you never know if you'll be greeted with open arms or a right hook to the jaw.

When it comes to psychological warfare, women know how to get in our heads to the point that we're seriously messed up mentally. Women have that innate ability to make guys so crazy that we end up literally tearing out our own hair because of how they can affect us in either a positive and/or negative way. Positive in a way that you always have a goofy grin on your face when you're thinking about a particular female and negative in a way that you start doing/saying things that you wouldn't normally never do, which makes a guy look/sound foolish. Let me tell you something, I've been messed up in the head several times because of a particular female, but I've ended up coming out of it okay...for the most part.

Essentially, being physically hurt by a woman, whether intentionally or by accident, really really hurts. Every guy for whatever reason has either been hit in the arm, punched in the face, slapped upside the head, pushed, slapped in the face, and/or kneed in the walnuts, etc. for doing/saying something stupid or doing/saying absolutely nothing, which from our standpoint is considered a lose-lose situation. Though I haven't personally been slapped/punched in the face or kneed in the walnuts *knock on wood* I know some guys that have and to those particular guys out there I simply say this to you, I feel your pain.

Oftentimes, a woman can cause friction between a man and his friends due to the amount of time he spends with her rather than with them. It can be a proverbial tug of war, in a manner of speaking, to where an ultimatum is given by the woman to either choose either his heart for her or his friendship with them, which is a touchy decision to make indeed if you're looking at it from a guy's perspective. On one hand he wants to be happy within his heart, but on the other hand he doesn't want to turn his back on the friends who he's known for quite some time. However, think about this ladies, if a man's friends or truly his friends they will tell him to choose you because they will always be there for him no matter what happens in the relationship.

In retrospect, women will always be around to make guys crazy, hit them physically in some kind of way, and cause friction between their friends. Thinking about it though, it's because of women that they make life that much more interesting even though we may suffer brain damage from them. In a funny way men need women because without them guys all over the world wouldn't know which direction to go, how to dress, and constantly be reminded how moronic we are at times. Ultimately, no matter how many times guys swear off women because of bad experiences, we continue to dust ourselves off and get back in the game because they have that certain power over us which I can only simply describe as girl power.

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