Friday, March 04, 2011


Minute Major once said, ~Darts is a fascinating game which takes patience, intelligence, and coordination. The problem most people face when playing darts is the challenge of being consistent and precise. It's very difficult to hit the same spot every time and its so easy to become frustrated or give up.~ In some aspect, life is like playing a game of darts as there will be/have been times where patience, intelligence, and coordination are/were needed. Essentially, the individual darts we hold represent our hopes, dreams, aspirations, etc. in regards to work, family/friends, and most definitely matters of the heart. For the question can be asked, when it comes to the proverbial dartboard of life has it been easy or challenging in hitting the target you've been specifically aiming for?

If you think about it, its a tough situation indeed to consistently be on target, so to speak, when it pertains to our own personal dartboard of life. You see, the darts each one throws aren't always going to land/hit where we want them to, causing us to experience a mixed bag of emotions. In a sense, that is how life can be as we find ourselves standing at a distance experiencing emotions such as frustration, disappointment, doubt, anger, fear, etc. I think I can safely sat we've all been in a situation concerning a potential opportunity where the initial mindset was that we're initially getting closer to hitting the target/position wanted but unfortunately it wasn't hit leaving one standing there momentarily hanging/shaking our head.

As said before, the problem most people face when playing the game of darts is the challenge of being consistent and precise. Thinking about it, the same problematic challenge in finding that consistency and preciseness in playing darts can also be found in matters of friendship. Without a doubt, there are times where best buds and gal pals experience rocky times causing him/her/them to miss the mark in certain areas of seemingly strong established friendship to the point where one feels like they've been hit with the sharp pointy end of the dart. Hey, its not a good feeling whatsoever when a trusted friend or group of friends you thought would always have your back doesn't leave you to question how truly off the mark you were about him/her/them.

Let me ask you this question to those who are in the dating field, has it been easy or hard for you to hit the right areas concerning not only your heart, but the heart of that particular guy/girl you're interested in? For a certain number of people, they've there are those who unfortunately have been off the mark when it comes to past relationships and experienced being hit countless times by the pangs of utter heartbreak leaving one to feel as if his/her heart is quite literally a dart board filled with holes that represent pain, frustration, anger, bitterness, etc. However, there are those who have been able to land the right areas concerning the proverbial dart board of the heart by having the patience, intelligence, and not to mention the coordination to experience being hit by true love leading to absolute true happiness.

In retrospect, like the game of darts it's all about practice and in life we are given the chance to perfect our game, in a manner of speaking. True, it's during the so-called dart game of life we'll most likely miss every now and then but the key is to not give up to the point of becoming disappointed, frustrated, angry, thinking we're a loser, etc. when the particular dart we're throwing doesn't specifically land where we want it to. What it comes down to is taking the information we got and learning from it in order to adjust our trajectory so the next time we throw it lands that much closer to the intended target. In the end, life is oftentimes considered a hit or miss experience and the more we continue playing the game improving our skills, hopefully having fun while doing it we'll hit a bullseye.

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