Monday, November 19, 2007

Turning Point

Someone once said, ~There are moments in our life where we find ourselves at a crossroads. Afraid, confused without a road map. The choices we make in those moments can define the rest of our days. Of course, when faced with the unknown, most of us prefer to turn around and not go back. But once in a while, people push on to something better. Something found behind the pain of going alone. And just beyond the bravery and courage it takes to let someone in or to give someone a second chance. Something beyond the quiet persistence of a dream, because it is only when you are tested that you truly discover who you are. And it is only when you're tested that you discover who you can be. The person you want to be does exist somewhere on the other side of hard work and faith and belief and beyond heartache and fear of what lies ahead.~

Let me ask you this question, have you personally experienced in the past a heartbreak so painful you not only haven't really gotten over it, but it also in a sense defined you to be the person you are now? For it defined you in a such a way it left a tremendous scar on your heart that never really healed and from that metaphorical scar you made a promise to yourself to never put yourself in the position of being so badly hurt you hold on to that pain simply as a sole reminder of how to not make the same mistake of putting your trust in someone who will end up just stabbing you in the back, in a manner of speaking. Essentially, it becomes an underlying catalyst in which both your perception of love/true love and overall personality completely changes, which can be seen/heard in your verbal communication, actions, attitude, and most definitely in the behavior being exuded.

As said before, there are people out there who have experienced a heartbreak so painful it left a big scar that never really healed, inevitably haunting them to where it changes how they think and act. It would be safe to say you know a person or are that person who has this cynical, realist attitude about love/true love in which he/she/you no longer feels with one's heart, but instead sees it as principles of do's, don'ts, rights, and wrongs. If you think about it, its those same people who find it difficult to show/accept affection causing them/you to behave in such an angry fashion you start distancing yourself from/pushing away people who genuinely care about you. Why? What It comes down to is a prideful, fearful mindset of not letting someone get so close you completely let your guard down because it is the one thing you can take control of that can't be taken away from you.

For the question can be asked, how many of you truly know how it feels to fly high because you were in love, falling in love, or something like it making your possible dreams of love/true love come to fruition? If you think about it, it's those same people who know the feeling of being high on cloud 9 also know the feeling of having their whole world fall apart around them leaving them in a perpetual nightmare that is relieved over again within not just their mind, but also heart as well. In a sense, its as if each post heartbreak of the heart brings you back to that specific situation in the past where you see yourself holding the broken pieces of your heart all-the-while experiencing those same emotions of fear, anger, confusion, resentment, failure, self-pity, the lack of self-confidence/acceptance, becoming lost within yourself, etc. that you tried so hard to block/forget from your memory banks.

In retrospect, when you experience an absolutely painful heartbreak in the past you go through a journey of self discovery within the pain and suffering. A journey in which you have to face issues harboring anger that you've never really confronted and/or avoided all together. You see, when it pertains to matters of the heart the person you've always wanted to feel like/be seen as is there, but it's hidden just under the surface behind the mask of a smile or laughter. It's just a matter of having the courage to completely let someone in and instead of being afraid by distancing yourself/pushing away that guy/girl who can take you beyond what love is to show you you're worthy and make you believe who you truly are is for real. In the end, when you deal with what has been holding you back, you'll reach a personally significant turning point that lets you finally move forward.

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