Barbara De Angelis once said, ~Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible - it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is more powerful enough to transform you in a moment and offer you more joy than any material possession could.~ If you think about it, each of us holds within our own heart an all powerful force that has the ability to bring balance in not just our life, but also in the life of someone who you knowingly or unknowingly sense is a person who is considered absolutely special. For its that same all powerful force in which every person has experienced or is going to eventually experience and even though you can't see it, you can most definitely feel its strong explainable presence move you to the point where it can literally bring you to your knees.
Let me ask you this question, do you think there is something inherently universal about love that is capable of bringing two people together who are worlds apart, so to speak? In all honesty, I believe so because the force of love or true love for that matter is simply phenomenal as it leads you to someone who can change your whole perspective on the negative aspects of love to where a new hope is given within your heart. For it’s in hope that you want to always feel a balance of peace, harmony, and serenity within yourself, which is something you want to also feel from someone you love as well. For it's a rarity these days to meet someone who is able to bring balance to every aspect of your life and not let you slip into the dark side within yourself leaving you emotionally out of control.
Without a doubt, there is a dark side to love as your emotions can get the better of you causing an inner struggle within yourself. You see, we all have the innate carnal desire of wanting what we can't have when it comes to love and you can become so frustrated an emotion such as anger takes over. Thinking about it, anger is something that once you experience just a small taste of it you hunger for more and depending on how long you hold on to it, it becomes increasingly harder to resist making it impossible to fill a void in your heart of true happiness. In a sense, you can become a powerful person as the intense anger can be manifested into hurtful words, which can metaphorically grab a person's heart and crush the life out of it without remorse with just a simple thought.
For the question can be asked, do you believe that love is the most powerful force in all the world that when you share it with someone you care about both of you grow stronger in mind, body, and soul? In some aspect, when you're in the beginning stages of love you initially start out with pure innocence of a wide-eyed child, but as the love between you two grows it transforms both of you into someone that not only clearly sees a possibly bright future ahead, but also exudes the heart, strength, knowledge, as well as, spirit of a master warrior who will fight no matter what the odds for a cause that means so much. What it comes down to is having a strong connection in the friendship you both established to where you become personally, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually one with each other.
In retrospect, love is a force that no matter how many times you think it's destroyed it returns, having learned so much from the previous battles it has encountered over the years. The one thing you tend to learn is that you can't manipulate love to go your way because of how strong minded a person can be and unless that person is weak-minded one's heart will always be manipulated. Let me tell you something, it doesn't take a wave of the hand to have someone fall in love with you, it merely takes being there as a friend to show how much you care not just in the big ways, but also the little ways too. Ultimately, all I have to say to those who have the power of love balanced within each other is that I hope you never feel a disturbance in your strong relationship and in the end, may the force be with you.
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