Thursday, October 26, 2006

That's Just Wrong

Friedrich Nietzche once said, ~In revenge and in love woman is more barbarian than man is.~ There is an old saying that goes revenge is a dish best served cold and this particular sentiment rings so true especially when it pertains to a woman getting back at a guy for doing her wrong. Does he deserve it though? It really depends on the situation at hand that merits the cruel and unusual punishment. For the state of mind a woman gets in can be absolutely unpredictable because you never know what type of payback she may be planning in her mind. Its a scary thought indeed as to how vindictive a woman can truly be when she gets in touch with her darkside and it's not going to be pretty at all for that guy to either see, hear, and/or feel.

Let me ask you this question ladies, have you ever sought out and taken revenge on a guy who did you wrong recently or in the past? If so, to what extent and how much did the "gentlemen" in question suffer? Thinking about it, when it comes to taking out some sweet revenge on a guy personally, she will usually turn her attention to the one thing that means a lot to him...his car. Whether or not women are willing to admit to it, there may be situations where certain women made it their mission to vandalize a guy's car by either throwing a brick through the windshield, slashing what may very well be expensive tires, or the proverbial go to revenge tactic which is ruining the paint job by scratching/writing all over it and know this they've enjoyed every minute of it.

Essentially, revenge on a guy by the hands of a woman is not just personal, it can also be mental as well. All women have the ability to completely destroy a man's mind from the inside out to where he's just a shell of his former self. I think all men would agree that women are masters at psychological warfare, in a manner of speaking, when it comes to making men lose their minds. One such psychological tactic used is not speaking to him or as a matter of fact having all her friends not speak to him to the point of alienating him from any kind of verbal contact whatsoever. Let me tell you something ladies, that tye of revenge is considered one of the most cruelest forms of torture because silence is so deadly that it can metaphorically kill you.

Without a doubt, a woman physically taking her revenge out on a guy is a fate worse than death because it can affect him not only personally and mentally, but also emotionally. Intentionally causing bodily harm and/or injury to a guy's family jewels is the most heartless thing any woman can ever possibly do or try to do because one blow can leave a man seeing stars as he lays on the ground singing soprano, so to speak, with tears in his eyes. Speaking of singing soprano, THE cruelest act of revenge has to be from a person that every woman cheered for and and every guy feared...Lorena Bobbit. Ladies, mention her name around any guy who is even thinking about doing you wrong and trust me, he'll rethink doing it.

In retrospect, there are so many things that a vengeful woman can do to a man like hooking up with his best friend or any friend of his for that matter that it can make any guy want to not get on a woman's bad side...EVER! For the question can be asked though to any guys out there if they were the recipient of any vengeful act from a woman from their past and did you actually do something wrong to get her that mad at you. Personally speaking, I thankfully have not been the target of any woman who hated me for doing something wrong to her personally, at least I hope not. *knock on wood* In the end, when a guy hears about or sees acts of vengeance by a woman against another man we will usually give this response...dude, that's just wrong.

1 comment:

Coco said...

Wow - what kind of women do you hang out with? This one just sent shudders down my spine. Every mature person MUST know that revenge has a nasty way about coming back and biting you where you sit. Most of these little "revenge tactics" sound like something some of my LESS mature high school students might try, but the more balanced ones - never! If a relationship is going that badly, it is the fault of both parties, and the situation must be resolved or dissolved asap. I sure hope men don't tar all women with this particular brush, because it's just as wrong as it would be for me to believe that all men are like my ex-dh.