Friday, November 11, 2005

Home Is Where The Heart Is

Rainer Maria Rilke once said, ~Believe in love that is being stored up for you like an inheritance, and have faith in this love that there is strenth and a blessing so large that you can travel as far as you wish without having to step outside it.~ In some aspect, love can be considered a destination in which every person is traveling or has traveled to and for some its a destination that one has been traveling on for quite some time. For its when a person finally reaches their intended destination, it sometimes or oftentimes seems as if there is nobody truly genuine to greet not only yourself, but you're own heart as well. In a sense, its like you're stranded in a foreign, but oh so familiar territory with your passport(heart) in hand.

If you think about it, a passport is considered one of the most important documents to have because it identifies who you are when entering/leaving a country. We've all traveled or planning to travel to places known or unknown and myself being at one time a military kid my passport was stamped traveling to such places as to the place of my birth the Philippines and Puerto Rico. In any case, like a passport, our own heart identifies who each of us truly are on the inside and no amount of physical changes to one's own face cane hide your true identity from people who know, love, and care about you and I. For its those people who have stamped your heart in some way, shape or form that had or still have an impact on your life.

Without a doubt, a person can rack up some major frequent flyer miles to new, interesting, and exotic places. In a way, our own heart can rack up some major frequent flyer miles, in a manner of speaking, as one metaphorically travels or tries to travel a whole new world in a place that is oftentimes or sometimes difficult to open up. Yet, its within our own heart that one has always been ready to venture to something or to someone but for reasons known or unknown there are or were problems that prevented you from boarding, so to speak. Let me ask you this question, is there a person who is potentially holding your passport that you truly want to get his or her stamp of approval and have him or her enter your heart?

Unfortunately though, there are times where one's passport gets rejected not once but several times to where it can make a person lose interest in never seeing what is in his or her heart. For it can also come to the point where the decision is made to put away one's passport to never be used again, like your heart. Essentially, the feelings and emotions one has for a particluar either in one's past or present, can be either stored or hidden away, which can be the most difficult thing a person can ever d when someone he or she is truly interested in. For the question can be asked, how many times have you put away your passport never to be used again, but as the asying goes never say never?

Marvin J. Ashton once said, ~Love is a vehicle allowed to travel without limitations.~ In retrospect, when it comes to the love you have in your heart, one should never hide it or put it away for safe keeping like a passport. The reason why is that you never know when you will meet someone that will take you on a journey that you weren't prepared to go on, which nobody ever really is. Ultimately, its just a matter of showing/opening your passport(heart) little by little until you truly feel comfortable completely opening it. In the end, when you do finally open your heart to someone without any limitations holding you back, that once foreign territory in your heart is now a place you can truly feel comfortable living in, which feels like home and as the old saying goes home is where the heart is.

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