Monday, November 12, 2018

Happy Little Accidents

The Joys of Painting Bob Ross once said, ~The secret of doing anything is believing that you can do it. Anything that you believe you can do strong enough, you can do. Anything. As long as you believe.~ If you think about it, life would most definitely be easier and not to mention peacefully calm if we all exuded a Bob Ross like mentality in regards to experiencing the ups, downs, as well as everything in between. Plus, it wouldn't hurt to have him narrate our life as well. For its a thought provoking situation indeed to have one's metaphorical paintbrush and paint pallet of assorted colors on hand to try to create a beautifully painted portrait on the quintessential canvas of life. A canvas in which each of us are given the opportunity on a daily basis to creatively mix it up knowing full well we're individual "artists" with the ability of wielding an unlimited, powerful sense of success.

Let me ask you this question pertaining to the iconic childhood legend that is Rob Ross, what is one of the things other than his awesome afro that stands out about him. If you answered his positively, calm demeanor then you'd be absolutely correct. Thinking about it further, life certainly get considerably noisy/messy/dark with every stroke of the brush to the fact that as individuals our own thoughts, feelings, and/or emotions can at times get the better of us. True, those 3 just previously mentioned combined with our personal/professional lives can negatively affect one's outlook on life as long as you allow it whereby showing it on the canvas that's entitled "My Life". For the most part you just avoid putting pressure on yourself, relax as best as you can, and see what happens with a smile on your face as you continue painting, so to speak.

As said before, we're all provided a metaphorical canvas in which each of us are given the opportunity on a daily basis to creatively mix it up knowing full well we're individual "artists" with the ability of wielding an unlimited, powerful sense of success. Of course, our creativity as "artists" as we try to continually paint a positive portrait of our lives can be a struggle so much as it can be hard to find the inspiration when it's momentarily lost. Essentially, that's when you remember/adhere to the following 6 words of Bob Ross we all know by heart: BEAT THE DEVIL OUT OF IT. In other words, in order to gain back that initial inspiration to get "creative" with life again is to do such things as going to the gym, dance, or whatever outlet utilized in order to beat the anger, frustration, disappointment, doubt, etc. to slowly get inspired thus regaining one's creativity for a hopefully much brighter painting.

Without a doubt, Bob Ross always took a risk with all his painting by suddenly adding a tree and as a viewer our initial thought was it's not going to work. However, our doubts were quelled when he actually made it work to where it made the painting even more breathtakingly spectacular. Hey, what we can learn from Bob Ross as it involves life through painting is that you sometimes have to go out on a limb every now and then by taking a risk. I think it's safe to say life wouldn't be interesting or fun for that matter if you didn't take a risk by adding a tree to our ongoing portrait of life. You see, that aforementioned tree may be a representation of relationships associated with love/true love, friendships, a job, family, etc. Ultimately, the decision to add the tree may very well be risky; but at the same time it may also set you up for the potential of future success as well.

Bob Ross said, ~Anytime you learn, you gain.~ In retrospect, life would be so much simpler and easier if our own lives were done like a painting by Bob Ross himself. Unfortunately, that's not the case as we have to learn to work with the colors we have on our messy paint pallet or mixed, assorted colors, use the brushes that we have at our disposal, and accept the mistake that we want to correct. Granted, there is a tendency to try to correct those mistakes and what one ends up doing is possibly making more mistakes causing one's painting to become totally unrecognizable. Oftentimes, it's the imperfections in our attempt in a perfect painting that make each of our lives uniquely different and being able to do what we can with the best of our own abilities or lack thereof is more than enough. In the end, for most of us our painting of life isn't done as of yet so keep painting and don't be afraid to make mistakes along the way or should I say happy little accidents.

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