Friday, January 29, 2010

My Promise

John Lennon once said, ~Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given never forgetten, never let it disappear.~ Let me ask you this questions to those who are in strong significant relationships, how many of you have not only made promises to your husband/wife/bf/gf/fiance, but have been able to keep his/her word in making those particular promises happen for matter? You see, the promises made to someone you truly love are considered absolutely priceless to the point where if it comes to fruition its closely held in a very special place within their heart. Essentially, when it comes to love/true love you want a guy/girl who can look you in the eyes and will make a solemn vow/promise to you to always lie, cheat, and steal in a good way of course.

Without a doubt, to make the solemn vow/promise to always lie to your best friend wouldn't necessarily sound appealing especially in matters of the heart but to always lie with your best friend gives it a whole new context don't you think? I think it would be safe to say every person who is in a strong loving relationship would most definitely appreciate lying with their best friend for life who loves him/her with all his/her heart. For it that someone who you can happily lay together with on the couch either watching a movie, tv, reading books, simply taking a leisurely nap, or help keep you company when you're sick. You have to agree, its a comforting situation indeed being wrapped in each other's arms knowing the sense of peace felt as both of you become lost within the warm embrace with the love of your life.

If you think about it, not too many people would tolerate being cheated on and for a certain number of people they have unfortunately experienced it where even thinking about it brings about a plethora of emotions. Yet, when you have someone in your life who you can trust to never break your heart with acts of infidelity, your only concern to actually worry about is whether or not he/she will cheat on you when you're playing video/card/board games. Thinking about it, to have your significant other cheat on you when playing a game like Uno or Scrabble is far less disappointing than cheating on you with another man/woman. Let me tell you something, I've witnessed many married couples having fun cheating when it pertains to games and hope they continue to do so for many years rather than the latter.

For the question can be asked to those who have had a bad past relationship, how many of you believe that a certain guy/girl in a sense stole something from you? Oftentimes, when a person experiences utter heartbreak he/she feels as if part of themselves has been stolen from him/her. In some aspect, their own identity isn't fully complete because a part or possibly all their heart containing caring, compassion, trust, faith, honesty, innocence, love, etc. has in all intents and purposes been stolen away from you. However, to have a guy/girl who can steal your heart every single day till the latter years of life and continues adding to what is inside adding more to what is already in there instead of taking away is something quite honestly so very rare to have or even find these days but it's out there.

In retrospect, promises are easily made in relationships and at the same time they can easily be broken. It's a sad state of affairs when the promise to never lie is broken, causing you to no longer feel someone by your side physically laying next to you because of being lied to so many times over. To know the promise to never cheat on you is broken leaving you feeling mentally betrayed as you believed what he/she did/said causing you to think you're worth it only to find yourself feeling worthless. To not experience the happiness that brings a smile to your face and have it be taken away from you because of a promise being broken leaves you feeling violated in a way. In the end, as strange as this sounds I say to that certain someone out there whoever she may be my promise to you is to always lie, cheat, and steal in the best way possible.

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