Saturday, June 06, 2009

Hit Or Miss

Someone once said. ~Life can be like dodgeball. You line up, you work hard to avoid being hit, but sometimes you have to take the hits as they come. The last one standing seems to be the winner. They don't necessarily win because they are smarter, faster, or bigger. They just learned to dodge the ball better. When the whistle blows, a new game begins and no two games or outcomes are the same. We can try to fix or avoid a problem one way in life, but the next time comes that comes along, it may knock us off our feet. In the game of life, no one can dodge the ball forever.~ As said before, life can be like the game of dodgeball as we find ourselves ducking, dodging, weaving, falling down, jumping up, and trying to target, as well as hit certain personal/professional objectives all-the-while avoiding being hit by life's most stinging situations.

If you think about it, the game of dodgeball is indeed a metaphor for life as each of us, in some aspect, are in a battle where we're trying to stay on our feet as certain things in our own life, whether it's known or unknown, are thrown in our direction. It can be a tough situation indeed to stay on our feet as life throws something at us that can possibly have an effect on us either in an emotional, mental, physical, and/or spiritual way to the point where one can be left stumbling in a dazed/confused state of disappointment, frustration, anger, bitterness, heartbreak, etc. For it truly takes great agility, stamina, and focus to be in the so-called game of life in which you will most definitely fall flat on your butt if you're not paying attention to your surroundings because if you don't you can quickly be taken out of the game within a blink of an eye.

Without a doubt, you never really know who is targeting you, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. I think it would be safe to say we've all been in a situation where we can be so focused to the point of being distracted as we're metaphorically throwing our heart at someone special that we may not realize someone else is throwing theirs at us. Essentially, it's that focus/distraction that can leave us open to getting hurt as all our energy is possibly wasted in throwing our attention/affections towards someone who may not want to be hit, so to speak. Thinking about it, nobody ever wants to get hurt and end up left with the stinging welts of heartbreak on your heart but we all unfortunately do. You see, no matter how much you want to in all intents and purposes hit someone's heart there is an absolute uncertainty as to whether he/she will "hit" your heart back, which is why the aspect of love is considered to be a tricky part of the game.

Personally speaking, when it comes to my own life I've been able to hit particular targets such as having great friends around me who have my back, having a job that helps pay the bills, and finally graduating college. However, the one target I haven't been able to hit is falling in love and that will happen in its own time as I pray to God as He directs that certain someone into my life. Hey, if someone out there is targeting me I'm not only honored but also flattered that she has a keen interest in me so I tip my hat to you whoever you may be. To be perfectly honest though, I'm not all that concerned about being hit or throwing at anybody in particular right now because I'm just having fun being in the game as I enjoy going out with my friends to WWE wrestling house shows, skydiving at 14,000 ft in the air, and many other activities/events that I look for toward to partaking in the future.

In retrospect, the dodgeball game that is life there aren't really any winners or for that matter losers as it is more about who can be able stay on your feet as much as possible and hopefully avoid being hit by drama that can leave us sitting on the sidelines recovering from the pain. We've all been hit in life and depending how hard the ball of drama and/or heartbreak was thrown you sat out for a few minutes, dealt with the pain, shook it off, and got right back in the game hopefully learning something from the experience. In the end, life comes down to a hit or miss philosophy as you may successfully hit certain situations/achievements that has you standing tall in victory or end up being hit as you completely miss the intended mark causing you to temporarily sit out on the sidelines, but if you don't give up and pray to God for strength then my friend you're a true competitor.

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