Saturday, February 28, 2009

66 Days

Catherine Pulsifer once said, ~Graduation is a time of completion, of finishing, of an ending, however, it is also a time of celebration of achievement and a beginning for the new graduate.~ Without a doubt, the journey to finally reach the pinnacle of academic achievement is a place many college students look forward to as the proverbial blood, sweat, and most certainly countless number of tears ultimately paid off. For the past 4...5...8 years have tested/challenged you showing that through determination, hard work, sleepless nights as you consume coffee/red bull in order to finish projects/papers, studying for tests, and praying to God to give you the strength to keep going you finally crossed the finish line signifying the metaphorical marathon of higher learning is over.

Let me ask you this question, what did you consider the most toughest aspect concerning your time in college? For some people, it was trying to stay mentally focused on the tasks at hand such as a seemingly hectic schedule all-the-while avoiding any distraction, which was a difficult situation indeed at times. Yet, for others being able to stay emotionally strong was something considerably challenging as one's personal life in regards to family, a significant relationship, or whatever the case may be can take its toll on you causing a breakdown to the point where tears are shed. However, for most people like myself, waking up early in the morning in order to go to an 8 a.m. class was the toughest thing to deal with and I don't think many of you would disagree with me there.

Essentially, one of the greatest aspects while being in college is establishing not only friendships, but also potentially meeting your future wife/husband. I think we can all remember the who, what, where, when, and possibly even why as one met certain individuals under the same or different circumstances like being in the same class, being introduced by a friend, accidentally bumping into him/her, etc. When it comes to the people who first turned out to be strangers to where they now ended up becoming lifelong friends. Hey, you form a bond with these people that continues long after college and with such online venues as Facebook, Myspace, Friendster, Skype, and Twitter it gives you that opportunity to do so.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, ~Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.~ Personally speaking, this is my life verse and it has definitely applied during my time in college where I struggled to fully put my trust in him leading me to experience times of frustration, anger, doubt. etc. For its in my own personal trials and tribulations concerning my time in college that have led me to question Him as I tried to understand why I was going through those difficult times. Ultimately, God has His reasons and even though you may not understand it you pray to Him acknowledging that you are fully trusting in His will to direct you on a path to where ever or whoever He inevitably leads you.

In retrospect, my time in college can be somewhat compared to the movie character Van Wilder with different circumstances of course as he tried to stay in college while I've been trying to get out. In any case, I thank God for everything I've gone through personally, mentally, physically, and spiritually because quite frankly there were times where I wanted to quit. It was through God that I was able to meet lifelong friends at Pensacola Christian College who prayed for me, encouraged me, and gave me sound advice through scripture when I felt truly discouraged. For its these know who you are...that continue to be a source of praise in my life and all I can say is thank you. In the end, I along with the rest of the 2009 graduating seniors have been anxiously counting down to and right now its t-minus 66 days till we cross the finish line.

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