Sunday, February 24, 2008

Boys Rule, Girls Drool

Charles Dudley Warren once said, ~One of the best things in the world to be in a boy; it requires no experience, but needs some practice to be a good one.~ Boys will be boys, It's a saying that seemingly is used when there is no other logical explanation or reasoning as to the sheer acts of random stupidity and/or mischievousness boys will get themselves into, which was/still is considered to be the best part of any young man's adolescent childhood. For its those random acts of sheer stupidity and/or mischievousness that were done/experienced in the past are still remembered today as if it just happened yesterday to the point where we share stories, as well as, the possible scars of our exploits deeming them to be badges of honor in the so called battlefield of life.

Without a doubt, one of the things we as young boys tend to do on occasion is fight, especially if you grew up with mainly brothers. Whether you were older, younger, or the middle child it basically became a game of survival where horsing around with each other turns into an all out WWE battle royal anything goes type wrestling match. If you ask any guy what they most enjoyed doing when wrestling with their brother(s) it would most definitely be jumping off something high such as a dresser and channeling your inner Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka or Jeff Hardy for the younger generation to splash on whoever was on the bed/floor. Let me tell you something, despite suffering a bloody nose and possibly broken body parts it was absolutely worthwhile.

As said before, jumping off something high is a characteristic that is essentially ingrained in our DNA because quite frankly when you're a young boy you have this mindset that you're absolutely invincible. It's the daredevil mentality that immediately kicks in at around age 5 or younger leading us to do totally ridiculous things such as tying a towel around your neck, climbing up on your couch, home entertainment system, stairs, and then jump off thinking you can fly like Superman only to fall flat on your face. Did we get hurt from it? Maybe. Did we cry? Possibly. Did we get punished for doing it? Yes. Did we learn anything afterwards? Absolutely not. Why? What it comes down to is an innate drive to keep trying until we either kill ourselves or eventually get bored trying.

Growing up in the 80's and the early 90's the crazy sport back in the day was BMX biking and although guys like myself couldn't perform death defying moves done on professionally built ramps we tried to the best of our ability with the next best thing...stuff lying around the backyard. Thinking about it, you put your own life in your hands or in the hands of your friends building something that’s not structurally sound, you either experience the thrilling victory of a successful landing or the agony of defeat by completely wiping out suffering a plethora of injuries like landing wrong on to your family jewels. Hey, you worked with what you got and sometimes it wasn't much as a wide piece of plywood propped up by blocks of wood or several bricks gave you a little bit of air time as you felt somewhat like a pro.

In retrospect, I may be prejudiced in saying that it's better being a boy as it is to be a girl and for many of you girls out there you may disagree. In any case, when you're a young boy you have the freedom to act/be mildly retarded which is perfectly acceptable among the male species whereas a girl you're expected to act ladylike with a certain amount of decorum. Girls, you can have your tea parties, sleepovers, dress up in costumes, play with my little pony, strawberry shortcake, create endless lists that make no sense whatsoever, and other girl related stuff. As for us, we'll stick with our g.i. joes, transformers, playing king of the mountain, staying up until 2 am beating a certain level on a video game, and much more. In the end, 4 words come to mind that best sum up this whole thought...boys rule, girls drool.

1 comment:

maverick said...

get some logic pal then try to b a blogger