Sunday, January 13, 2008

So Close

Someone once said, ~We are the one's who know best the meaning of 'goodbye'; who cling fast to the trinkets and pillows, when our arms cannot reach; whose bodies live in one place, our hearts and minds in another. To whom their scent is precious...a touch priceless. We wait months for what many experience each day, and want nothing more. We know what it is to reach out blindly in the night, to be torn apart, to dream of a beautiful closeness.~ Without a doubt, its hard to say goodbye to a dream that you so want to comes true, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. You see, there are moments in life where you meet someone that leads you to believe fairy tail dreams do come true while at the same time you're afraid to reach for it in order to make it a reality.

Let me ask you this question, have you ever been in a situation where you had to say goodbye to someone who you've not only gotten to know, but also fallen for? For it's that guy or girl who is considered to be the proverbial dream come true you so wanted to reach for and yet were too afraid to share how you truly felt. It would be safe to say each one of us have been or currently in that type of particular situation and even though it makes you feel sad to think about it you smile. Why? You smile for the simple reason that he or she has left a song within your heart that you'll always associate with that person, inevitably keep the memory of him/her alive and whether or not you actually sing it out loud for others to hear is primarily left up to you to do.

If you think about it, our lives are chaotic enough trying to live day by day in order to in all intents and purposes survive life all-the-while seeking a peaceful calmness within. However, when someone steps into your life that seemingly calms the chaotic world around you with just simple words, a touch, an embrace you feel as if the happiness you thought was a mere fantasy is within arms reach. However, it's the same happiness that essentially has calmed your outward surroundings and has most definitely brought chaos inwardly as it turns the world within your heart/soul upside down each time you spend with this person. Let me tell you something, you can pretend all you want that the feelings you have are going to eventually go away, but the truth of the matter is they'll always be there.

For the question can be asked, how many of you have looked in the mirror ad seen the face of someone who didn't take the opportunity tell someone how you truly felt about him or her knowing that you've had plenty of chances in the past. So what stopped you from doing it? I can't speak for others, but when it came to my own situation it came to down feelings I haven't felt for a female in a long time as past situations have had me just dealing with and then moving on quickly from the disappointment, but with her I basically said nothing so that I wouldn't face that harsh disappointment. Trust me when I say, you can kick yourself for not telling that certain someone face to face how being with/around/near you even if it was for a brief period of time was an experience that will be absolutely treasured.

In retrospect, it makes you feel good inside to get to know someone you have grown to appreciate/like/care about to a point where a smile never leaves your face leaving with this urge to run after this person to be with him/her. Thinking about it, wanting someone and wanting to be with someone are two different things as one deals with the physical as the other deals with the heart. Personally speaking, I wanted to be with her and to be perfectly honest it wasn't about the physical aspect of it at all as it was more about just being able to see her smile, hear her laugh, and other little things that made me smile from ear to ear. In the end, when it came to the feelings/emotions I was feeling for her I came so close to telling her, but it was those same feelings/emotions that scared me causing me to metaphorically keep myself far away and it's a song that best reflects this thought is by John McLaughlin from the Disney movie Enchanted.

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