Saturday, May 19, 2007

Make The Grade

Someone once said, ~You learn to like someone when you find out what makes them laugh, but you can never truly love someone until you find out what make them cry.~ Thinking about it, there is so much information to take in when it pertains to getting a deep understanding of women, especially when it comes to matters of the heart that focus on more of the emotional side. For its a continuous learning process and as a guy we learn by trial and error whereby hopefully gaining the knowledge to be better educated, in a manner of speaking. Essentially, being able to learn more of what makes a woman cry instead of what makes a woman laugh reveals how much a guy want to pass rather than fail within the so called grade book of her heart.

Without a doubt, its hard enough as it is to understand women mentally, but when you try to understand them emotionally you can feel like you're always going to be sitting in a corner wearing a dunce camp on your head. Why? You see, there are any number of reasons of what woman cry about such as dealing with her own insecurities in regards to her self-esteem concerning the issue of weight or beauty and the fears she has of not being truly loved by someone special or letting herself fully open up to a guy who is genuinely real. That is just a tip of the iceberg and being a guy we're always going to be unprepared to handle a woman in tears because we honestly have no idea what the problem is going to be leaving us guessing at the answer, which we can get wrong 99.9% of the time.

Oftentimes, what makes a women cry is absolutely nothing because are times where she wants to just do it in order to feel better, which totally makes no sense whatsoever from a guy's perspective. Guys are generally confused enough as it is to the seemingly relevent reasons women cry, but when they cry about nothing it completely confuses us even more. In a sense, its like studying works in an english literature book and the more you try to interpret out loud in class what you've been reading you find yourself making no sense causing your mind to go totally blank. Let me tell you something, that is how we feel at times when encountering a crying woman as we simply sit quietly next to her to keep her company and not talk because if we do we'll just make matters worse for ourselves.

Let me ask you this question ladies, has your man ever earned the proverbial extra credit points within your heart by giving you something that it not only has the potential to make you cry, but it also touches your heart in way that it has sentimental value? Every woman has in their possession something that means so much that it was given to her in the past by their significant other and she continues to cherich with all her heart even if that particular something may seem insignificant at the time to the guy who have it to her. For example, a simple ordinary card may not be considered powerful that it brings a woman to tears, but is the deep, meaningful words written from the heart within the card that can most definitely leave her with the inability to form words because she was all choked up.

In retrospect, when it comes to knowing a women emotionally guys will find out that no matter how much they think they know, there's a lot more to learn. It would be so much easier for guys if simple clift notes were published to easily understand what women are going through emotionally so we know what to say and do, but that would be cheating. A guy just have to keep doing the research, continue asking questions, and no matter how frustating it can become its all worth it because he took the time to get to know her on a more personal level. In the end, every woman wants someone who can meet her requirements when it comes to being emotionally understood and if she meets that particular guy she will inevitably think to herself can he make the grade?

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