Sunday, January 07, 2007

Lose Yourself

Someone once said, ~Remember you can be in love, but always be independent, be your own person.~ If you think about it, love or true love for that matter doesn't mean compromising your own individuality in order to fit someone's perception of who he or she wants in a relationship. What it does mean is staying the person you've always been and when it comes to change, if any, it's not on that person's terms, but rather under the terms you are most comfortable with when it comes to matters of the heart. Essentially, every person has their own way of seeing, thinking, as well as, doing things and even though it may not be agreeable with a potential/significant other to the point of butting heads, its what makes love not only interesting, but also challenging as well.

Let me ask you this question, do you consider yourself a stubborn person who doesn't back down when it concerns standing by your own convictions? It's one's own stubbornness that can cause friction in a relationship to where you, that person, or both aren't willing to save face and say I'm sorry when feeling hurt, which can be considered the most difficult thing to do. Why? What it comes down to is ego and pride getting in the way as a person handles/deals with the particular situation his or her own way, which can complicate things even more. Yet, when it comes to being in a relationship its less of "my way, and more of "our way" as you initially set aside your ego, swallow your pride, and work together in order to establish common ground because if not then its "no way jose'' to the relationship.

Without a doubt, being your own person means thinking for yourself and not letting anyone else dictate your own thoughts for you, which includes the guy or girl you love. It's a sad situation indeed when a person doesn't have the capability to think one's self to where he or she is perceived to be a mindless zombie like puppet who agrees or disagrees with anything you say and that is not what a loving relationship should be, which can most definitely drive you nuts. I think many would agree with me when I say the best/most challenging part of a relationship is being able to not only accept someone's else's way of thinking, but also being able to try to understand his or her viewpoint and even though you may not agree with it you respect the fact he or she has the cojones to speak his or her mind.

For the question can be asked, how many of you enjoy the freedom of doing what you love to do? Each of us have our own activities we enjoy doing by ourselves or with a group of friends that are both fun and entertaining, which may not be seen that way by a potential and/or significant other. However, when it comes to relationships there are times where you're asked to do an activity that may not be fun and entertaining in your own eyes. For you have the right to say no and yet you hopefully choose do it anyway because it not only brings a smile to that person's face, but it also shows one's willingness to be there with an open mind even though it may not be your cup of tea, so to speak, which shows you're going to support him or her no matter how dull or boring the activity may be.

In retrospect, love gives you the chance to be dependent on someone else who wants to be there for you whenever you need help, but not so dependent you become lazy in the relationship. At the same time, you keep the part of yourself who is an independent strong willed person, which is one reason as to why your potential/significant other fell in love with you and vice versa. If you think about it, you don't have to sacrifice your own morals, as well as, integrity to make someone else happy leaving you, in some aspect, without an identity. In the end, never lose yourself in love to where you don't know who you are anymore because love is not about giving up your own individuality as a person, but rather sharing your individuality with someone special who brings out the best of who you truly are. d, never lose yourself in love to where you don't know who you are anymore because love is not about giving up your own individuality as a person, but rather sharing your individuality with someone special who brings out the best of who you truly are.

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