Sunday, January 28, 2007

Bow Down

Ken Kesey once said, ~You can't really be strong until you see a funny side to things.~ Let me ask you this question, who do you think truly personifies more strong, gritty toughness men or women? It's a debatable topic to the point where it can not only lead to heated arguments, but also can be absolutely funny because of how certain people take it so seriously. You most definitely have to see the humorous side of an oftentimes ego driven battle that has been ongoing since the dawn of time. Men and women can make or have made fools out of each other for the expressed purpose of claiming superiority for the male or female species in terms of strength when it pertains to being strong emotionally, mentally, and physically.

If you think about it, being emotionally strong is something that tends to have a different interpretation between men and women. For men, emotional strength is about inwardly suppressing any kind of feelings or tears for that matter to the surface because as a kid we were taught to take the pain of being emotionally hurt like a soldier. As a guy, tears are viewed as public enemy number one and are considered a sign of weakness that has the power to completely destroy our masculinity. Women, on the other hand, see emotional strength as being able to be in constant touch with their sometimes intense feelings of anger, frustration, sadness, as well as, love expressed outwardly and when it comes to shedding tears they embrace it like a close comforting friend that helps them become stronger.

Without a doubt, men and women have the ability to be mentally strong when facing and solving problems in which critical decisions are made that may be life altering. Essentially, guys use logic and facts to chronologically search and analyze the situation at hand that is before us. You see, it's easier for us to focus on one problem at a time because if we focus on all of them at once our head will explode, which is probably why guys take longer to make decisions. Yet, for women both heart and logic are always used to solve several problems seemingly all at once by making decisions in a more relaxed, clear headed way to where they deal with the situation before them with tender, loving care rather than a step by step rundown of solutions/answers that might hopefully work.

For the question can be asked, how many of you are physically strong enough to handle a certain amount of pain? Men and women, initially experience the same kind of pain on a daily basis and yet there are different types of pain that each of us will never be able to experience. Women will never know the feeling of how much it painfully hurts to be hit, kicked, kneed, or punched in the cojones and why we need to take as much time to gather ourselves from experiencing something traumatic that inevitably has us seeing our life flash before our eyes. On the flipside, men will never know the feeling of having a baby and/or experiencing giving birth to a child, which is a level of pain that any guy would gladly not go through because no matter how tough we think we are we'll pass out in an instant.

In retrospect, men and women will always exude strength when times of anger, sadness, frustration, hopelessness and even happiness occur. Even though it is shown differently, it doesn't necessarily mean that particular way is right or wrong because that is how God created us. As a guy, we tend to think the things we go through emotionally, mentally, and physically make us stronger, but the funny thing is women are the strongest of all. They deal with situations both personal and professional that are just mind boggling and if we stepped in their shoes for one day, so to speak, we wouldn't last a minute because of how crazy it can be. In the end, as a guy you have to bow down at the unyielding strength of women because they are true soldiers who most definitely have earned my respect.

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