Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Against All Odds

Rabindranath Tagore once said, ~Life's fulfillment finds constant obstacles in its path, but those are necessary for the side of its advance. The stream is saved from the sluggishness of its current by the perpetual opposition of the soul through which it must cut its way. The spirit of flight belongs to the genius of life.~ Without a doubt, there are trials and tribulations each of us go through in which our very own character is tested. For its our character that can be stretched to the limit when pressures of life and love tend to not only weigh you down, but also seem to beat you down as well, in a manner of speaking. When it comes to going through trials and tribulations of your own, they tend to affect you in 3 ways: emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Let me ask you this question, how long have you been in a significant relationship with your other half? The reason I am asking is that I think you, as well as, many other people out there would agree that being in a relationship such as marriage can most definitely take its toll on you emotionally. It can be emotionally draining to experience the highs and lows that can be at times a heavy burden to where it can literally make you sick to your stomach as if you were riding on a rollercoaster, which is not a good thing when it concerns a seemingly happy relationship experiencing unfortunate problems. It's a sad situation indeed to imagine how mentally grueling it can be for any person to go through a plethora of emotions all at once that you just want them to go away in order to have peace within your own mind.

Oftentimes, when it comes to going through difficulties in a marriage, it can not only affect you emotionally, but it can also affect you physically as well, especially if there are kids involved. It takes a lot of inner strength to hold yourself together all-the-while trying to keep a smile on your face for the sake of your kids so they won't pick on the sadness, which will have them sympathize with you in their own way right alongside with you. From a parent's perspective, they're the rock for their kids who they can always come to when they start to stumble and yet as a parent you have to rely on that reserve strength to get you through those difficult times. Times in which you just want to give up because you're tired, but what keeps you going is the unconditional love you have for them and they for you.

Essentially, there comes a point where the emotional and physical battles you've been going through inevitably becomes a spiritual battle. A battle in which you're tested on how much faith you have when individual aspects of one's marriage are shaken up all at once to where its a struggle to keep your sanity intact. When times of trouble occur in a relationship you can place your faith in certain areas of life like friends and family to get you through to possibly try to fix the problem(s), but what tends to happen is the problem(s)go from bad to worse. Faith fades if you're looking in all the wrong places because the best place to look and find a solace calm within yourself from all the chaos happening around you is through prayer with God as He will help you through the most toughest of times.

In retrospect, marriage is about facing constant seen or unseen obstacles and working hard to be able to get through them as a team. Men and women should know by now that it's hard to find/meet someone who will stick with you for the long haul as he or she has gotten to know you...the real you... and has been able to tolerate all the stupid, annoying things that would have any other person leave in an instant. Ultimately, you root for the couples who you consider both friends, as well as, family and hope they continue on their marital journey together for years to come. In the end, when it comes to life and love in the area of marriage the odds will always be stacked against you, but it's against all odds through blood, sweat, tears, hard work, and faith in God that hopefully things work out for the better.

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