Friday, October 28, 2005

Because Of You

Someone once said, ~Friendship is a dangerous thing. Like when you get that those with someone, to a point where you can feel yhat you can talk to them about almost anything, then it is just natural to want to take the relationship to the next step. That is what love is all about, friendship. And then you realize that it is more than that, something that you can't even describe with words, because words only seem to reduce the power you feel.~ Its rare these days for aperson to meet someone who is genuinely real and one can feel comfortable in the fact that he or she has no intentions of breaking your heart. Though skeptical one may be of that happening, its considered absolute truth rather than pure fiction.

If you think about it, we live our lives trying to figure out what's fact or fiction when it involves someone who may be potentially "the one." For some, most, or all people they can easily destinguish what's is fact as he or she gets to know the person inside and out. However, for others the fiction that he or she hears can sound totally believeable to the point that you metaphorically hand over your heart to that person. To be perfectly honest, when you are in love, fact and fiction can be totally unrecognizable to where one tries to sort ot what that person is saying to you is either true or untrue, which is a tough task indeed. Let me ask you this question, have you ever been in this particular situation before?

In any case, people who are living the single life by choice, like myself, you witness/hear about many relationships fall apart over a period of time that it can effect you mentally to the point that being alone is the best choice possible. Whether it be acquaintances, friends, and/or family you have that mindset where you don't ever want that situation to happen to you because one doesn't want to endure that kind of pain, suffering, and inner turmoil due to it. For it can be rough for any person to hidethe feelings he or she has for someone because of certain personal issues that one is going through and metaphorically battling yourself to tell or not tell that person. For some people, that's the life he or she chose and it can be a living nightmare that you truly want to be waken up from.

However, there are people out there who are living the single life by choice as well, but for an entirely different reason. For is in their particular situation that they were the ones who suffered broken relationships which caused one to not only closely gaurd their own feelings but also his or her heart from ever being broken again. Its an oftentimes sad situation indeed when it happens to people you know, care about, and/or love such as acquaintances, friends, and/or family. In some aspect, that person didn't choose to go through those unbearbale moments of life for himself/herself and unfortunately he or she is living a somewhat similar nightmare that one wants to be waken up from as well.

In the movie Batman Begins the question was asked, Why do we fall? The answer to that question was so that we can learn to pick ourselves back up again. In retrospect, that is how love/friendship is as a person can fall so hard that impact leaves deeps scars that are either gradually healing or haven't healed within one's heart and soul. Without a doubt, it takes alot of inner strength to not only pick ourselves up but also our own heart as well. Ultimately, it takes someone who is really special to pick you up and not let you fall ever again. In the end, whether its to that person or to each other, one will say its because of you that I'm taking this chance and if you or I fall, we will be there for one another to pick each other up.


Anonymous said...

I see you site before I'm going to travel. I like it.

Yoda said...

Thanks, more to come soon. Watch out for my 300th Yodaism which will be coming soon. Later

Yoda said...
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